There have been several bodies found near the standing stones we know as Stonehenge.  The most recently found, the body of a teen age boy, was found wearing a necklace of amber beads, an uncommon find among bodies this age.  Tests on his teeth show that he was from the mediterranean sea.  There have been other bodies from the south found near stonehenge as well as bodies that were given a rich burial.  One of theses was dubbed the Amesbury Archer and his body was found with some of the first gold artifacts in Britain. 

To me this raises once again the age old question, is Stonehenge a sacrificial ground or a sacred place of resting for Royalty from around the world???


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  • Thats pretty cool. I think its pretty cool figuring out what it might have really been.
  • if it ended up being royalty thats really cool, but i think its kinda creepy finding a teenage boy there.
  • that would be amazing if it was accually a burrial ground for royalty. i hope it is cause if its a sacrificial ground thats creepy...i'd be creeped out to go.
  • i just think thats wierd.
  • That is pretty interseting.... That their are dead people their..
  • ahh that would be creepy to find!
  • Stonhenge is a weird place but its probably a sacrificial place
  • Earth's history is so odd sometimes! First of all, we don't know how the rocks got there or in that formation, and now we find dead people there too. This place must have a seriously interesting past.
    • unless they create a time never know.
  • this is cool! it realy makes you wonder...
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