A baby was thought to be stillborn because they couldn't hear the heartbeat. So they didn't even let the parents see the baby. They took her off to the morgue. Beings the parents didn't even see the baby they asked to be taken down to see their little baby.

Turns out the baby was alive crying in the morgue. She is critical condition because of the cold morgue chamber, but she is getting better.

The parents are now sueing the hospital.


I think this is really sad shouldn't they at least to try to find a heartbeat instead of just state that it is a stillborn baby. Another thing is even if the baby is stillborn, they still let the parents see it before they take it to the  morgue.


What do you think you would do if your baby was stillborn? Any thoughts?



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  • I think the parents should have had more control in this situation. the hospital had no right to tell them that they couldn't see their baby. they also should have tried harder to find a heartbeat, or at least assumed the baby was alive for longer than they did

  • That was a bad mistake on there part, assuming that it was stillborn and not letting the parents see it. Some people are just not nice.

  • I wonder what would have happend had they not gone down to the morgue to see the baby. I hope they win their case.


  • They definetely should have checked that twice to make sure the baby wasn't alive. That had to be pretty hard on the baby's health to be in the cold morgue chamber until they heard it. Luckily the parents went to see their baby. They could probably win the law suite against the hospital or doctors that did it.  

  • This is crazy. Um hello its a hospital for a reason so find the heart beat! Idiots, sounds like they were just being lazy. People like this really irritate me.

  • Thats terible how could they think a baby thats really alive was dead. Why do these doctors have a degree if they cant tell if a baby is alive and i hope they sue for millions.

  • I would be upset but also relieved and happy to know that my baby was still alive. I would wonder how they treated the body since they already thought it was dead though. That's why we need to check everything we can before we assume a body is dead. Can you imagine having your child left in a cold morgue?

  • That is so sad. Thank goodness the parents wanted to see the baby because who knows how long it would have survived.

  • I don't see how they could sue; it said on the news if they hadn't put the baby into the cold morgue it would've died. So this is kind of stupid that they're sueing


  • The doctors should of at least let the parents see their child. Even if they couldnt find a heart beat it still doesnt give them a reason to not allow the parents to see their child.

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