Starbucks is saying that they will stop using a dye made from crushed bugs in their Strawberries & Creme Frappuccinos. On Thursday the coffee giant said in a blog post that it will gradually transition from using cochineal extract as a red food dye to using lycopene for the red and pink foods as well as drinks. The transition is supposed to be completed by the end of June in the United States.
What do you think about them using bugs as a red dye? I used to love going to Starbucks, but this is just gross! It really makes me wonder what other messed up things they use in their foods and drinks.
EEEWWWW! that is nasty! I have never ordered any of their Strawberry or Creme Frappuccinos, so i guess it dosen't really bother me that much. as long as they don't start putting bugs in their coffees
I don't like it. It's removing a natural ingredient and replacing it with red dye that really can't be good for you. They're probably doing it because people don't want to eat bugs and I find that sad
I know people are freaking out about this so much. People used to freak out about the red dye that caused cancer. At least this way it's natural and people can't say it's bad for you.
That is disgusting!! I'm happy I don't go to Starbucks very often, or I would be one unhappy customer. Why would they even start using crushed bugs in a consumer product?!? It's NASTY!!
I wish i had known that from the start! I dont really go to starbucks but if i did i sure wouldnt be buying that anymore! im glad that they are not going to do that aynmore because i dont think i could have ever drank there ever again if the didnt change it.
That's gross...I've had one of there strawberry smoothies too :p. I think if places are going to put nasty things in their food they should tell their customers first. It's a different story if something accidentally gets in food but on purpose?
Its not that bad if you honestly think about. What else do you eat in your food daily? You will be surprised what else you find in the things you use daily. Like chocolate have you ever read the back of a Hershey's chocloate bar and looked under the ingredients. There is something like 1% other material.
You would be surprised at what all is in things you use everyday
That is so nasty! That makes me not want to buy anything from there