Star Wars Continued...

In recent news Disney bought all rights to Lucasfilm Ltd., the producers of Star Wars.  They paid a total of $4.05 billion to the founder and chairman, George Lucas.  Disney is also planning on making a 7th movie set for the release in 2015, after that they are planning on making the 8th and 9th movies in the future after that.  

I think that this could be a great movie to come. What is your view?


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  • I wish Lucas Arts would just remake all of the older ones(4/5/6).  That way when I dress like Darth Vader I can feel modern, and don't have to use a costume from a few dacades ago.  NAHH, I don't do that.... everyday...

  • I would definitely go see these three movies. They may not be as good as the others, but I would still love to see them. It's kind of weird that Disney bought LucasFilm, but it may be good for the company. I can't wait until these movies come out.

  • I dont think that these will be as good as the last ones, but they might have some new ideas with a new director.

  • i think that would be aweosme cause than we can see more and better effects. but what is starwars without darth or luke ect. sixth one kind of ended the seried i will like to see how it goes

  • I will be honest, I do not get the point or plot etc of Star Wars. Nor do I understand the difference of Star Trek and Star Wars. In other words, I honestly cannot say my view on this matter.

  • I have no idea. I have never seen any of them. I heard that there really interesting! Before I die I plan to just sit down one day and watch each one. Do I have to watch them all to get the last ones? Are they all diffrent stories each time, or like continuing?

  • It wont be the same if someone else is directing the movie. I dont know much or have watch alot of star wars but i think that they should just stop while their ahead and make money off the old movies.

  • I am so excited for more star wars films! I have been watching them with my dad for a really long time, so this is really awesome!

  • I think that star wars should be left alone because the movie by its self made millions. introducing Disney characters into the plot would just mess up the entire film.

  • I can't wait for them to make the 7th 8th and 9th movies, they should be good.

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