Standardized Testing


Standardized tests by definition are tests that are given to a body of students and they answer the same questions or are given questions from a set group. Standardized tests are given once a year in Iowa, typically over the span of a week. All schools are required to give these tests and students are required to take them. This can cause stress for the students and make them feel less than if they don’t score as highly as others.


There are pros to taking standardized tests, they can offer a measurement of the education that has been implicated, helps the school gather information of how well the students are learning, help the teacher evaluate themselves and the students, and help the teacher know if changes need to make regarding their teaching style. These things can be very beneficial for the individual and the district as a whole. The teacher will be able to understand their students better and be able to better themselves and their teaching because of that.


There are also cons to standardized tests, the scores do not predict future success of the student, the tests given can be unfair evaluations of a students success in school, and they do not measure the students growth within school and they only determine how well students are at taking tests. Students can be horrible tests takers and still do extremely well in school, the same goes for their success rate. A student can not be super into school and still go on to be a successful adult in the future. The tests given do not determine the success or failure of the students it is given to.

Do you think these tests should be required?

Do you take them seriously?

Do you think they are necessary?

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  • I personally do not think that standarized testing should be required. Some people are not good test takers and many people do not take them seriously. I personally try on the tests, but I don't stress about them. I do not think they are necessary because I don't think that they give accurate results.

    • I agree, I try on the test but don't stress about them too much.

  • I do not like standardized testing because they are dumb, because they are not necessary for students to do.

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    • I agree, having the tests be optional is a good idea for students who just want to know their score.

  • Although students may not like standardized tests, I think we should have to take them every year. Taking these tests ensures that our school is on the right track and we are where we need to be in the learning aspect. I do take the test pretty seriously, but I don't stress too much about them.

    • I agree, they're a serious test but I don't stress over it too much.

  • I personally do not think that standerized testing shold be requuired becaue it is not counted for a grade there is no point in taking them other than statistics.However it could be a good thing for some students if these tests are not graded, but since they are nto graded many people probably do not try on them.

    • I agree, many people don't try on them but it is good for them to see where their at.

  • I think that standardized tests should be required. Although they are not fun to take, they are very useful to track where you are in school and what you know and don't know. I take them seriously so the school knows where I stand and I can learn form my scores. 

    • I agree, they're not fun to take but they are very useful for the teacher to see where you're at.

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