St. Patricks Day Parade

Many companies are pulling there sponsorships of the St. Patrick's day parade due to the fact that the parade will not allow any gay rights groups in the parade. The major sponsors agree with gay marriage and are for it.

Do you think that they should allow gay rights in the parade?

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  • Brief summary and be sure to reply more frequently.

  • This is going to become a bigger deal then it should. It is a parade its not a big deal it should allow anything someone wants its their freedom to do so.

  • I think it was smart of the parade sponsors to pull out.

  • well I think they should allow it because they aren't hurting anything, they shouldn't be treated any different

  • Yes of course they should! Many of the companies have full right to do that and I would too if I was one of them.

  • I think that they should allow it as well. It doesn't matter really what your sexual orientation is you should be allowed to celebrate just the same.

  • I don't know what I think about this. I think that they should allow the groups to participate, however, I don't support gay rights. I am not against them, just not for them... I am very neutral on this topic.

  • i think they shoudl

  • I think they should allow gay rights in the parade because people should get the chance to celebrate the same as others whether their gay or not. 

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