spider man pajamas

a five year old boy as riding his sscooter on a old highway in illinios to his friends house at two am seven miles away from his house


i think it sounds like something a five year old would do and its funny bbut scray at the same time



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  • This is cool! he definanty got his amount of exercise that day.
  • Ha that sweet that kid is a smart boy, the parents probly should check on him once and a while.
  • haha! that is a weird combination of clothes, time, and miles!
  • Wow that five year old must have had a lost of energy
  • i dont think a eight year old could make it let alone a five year old but i could be mistaken
    i think the parents need to pay more attention to their kids then they prob wouldnt do this
  • Haha, oh my. Lovin' the PJ's but I bet the parents were worried sick..!
    I cant see myself riding seven miles on a scooter either!
  • I'm 15 and I can't even walk into my own basement at night without having to turn on a light or something. I couldn't ever walk for 7 miles down a street at 2 in the morning. I'd get too freaked out. That kid must be crazy or something.
  • That'd be creepy to see along the side of the road. So dangerous! He shouldn't even be up that late, let alone riding his scooter on the highway. And you can't really blame the parents.. who would expect this to happen anyways?
  • 7 miles on a scooter!? wow. his parents shouldn't even be mad. that's amazing!
  • wow how do parents not notice their kid is gone?!
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