Recently a man by the name of Felix Baumgartner jumped from space at the height of more than 24 miles up. On his decent he broke the sound barrier at the speed of Mach 1.24, or 833.9 mph. He also broke the world record for the highest jump and the first man to break the sound barrier with only a suit. The entire decent took about 9 minutes to complete and his free fall time was 4 minutes and 20 seconds.
I think that this is a grate step for the safety of mankind and this will help you in the future.
What are your opines on this topic?
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This is an amazing feat! I can not believe he did not go unconscious or anything, I wonder how he pulled the para chute when he was going that fast, I bet he had like a timer on it or something like that.
I thought that was pretty cool, and i wonder how a four minute freefall would feel!
I watched this Live on TV, It's crazy. To think that these days, we care capable of this kind of stuff! I think it's pretty cool! My whole family and I were all gathered around the TV waiting for him to drop! I think it's awesome.
This is really cool. That is really fast to be free falling. My cousin is on the United States Army Parachute Team, and when they were jumping at the Navy Pier in Chicago they seemed to come down fast, I couldn't image coming down at 833.9 mph.