
  • I Love Country. I have alwayed listened to country so its my favorite. But I do listen to other kinds of music. My favorite song right now is probably Sissy's Song by Alan Jackson. A lot of country songs actually seem to mean something its not just a bunch of words. Sometimes they hit the heart.

  • My favorite kind of music to listen to is country and pop. I don't have a favorite song or singer.

  • My favorite is easily classic rock. My favorite band is led zeppelin. Their musicianship is perfect.

  • My favorite artist overall is Kanye West. But my favorite song right now is We Are Young by Fun..

  • M favorite kind of music is country. but i like all different kinds of music besides rap. i dont like how i cant understand what they are saying. also i really like one direction right now!

  • i mostly listen to county and some rap.. i love luke bryan i pretty much just like all contry

  • my favorite song is by Niki Minaj..its called stupid #$^...
    but i also like Eminem and Lil Wayne. they are my ultimate favs.. i kinda also like Weezy... hes cool too... ugh.. i cant decide my favorite artist though... theres too many of them...
    another song i like is Y U MAD by niki minaj, LIl wayne, and Birdman...
    that one is pretty cool too!
    but yeah.. Rap is the best kind of music ..EVER!

    • haha wezy and wayne are same

    • um Weezy and Lil wayne are the same people thats his nickname

  • i like all kinds of music but so far my favorite song would be bitter end by the veer union

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