These are 4 stories about people who have survived fatal plane crashes when no one else has. Its crazy to think about being in a plane crash, but unfortunately it happens far too often. Not only would it be crazy to be in one, but also survive. These stories tell about the heartache, confusion, and frustration they go through. One of the stories is about a co-pilot who was flying the plane when it crashed and he was the only survivor. He says he is question constantly by investigators but he claims it was not his fault. It would be really hard to go through this because I would always feel bad for all of the people and families who never made it. Read their stories here

What do you think it would be like if you were a sole survivor? 

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  • Good topic and well done!

  • if i were a sole survivor i would feel terrible and i would always wonder why i survived and no one else didn't. It would be a tough thing to get over

  • I couldn't imagine being on a plane while it is crashing... and to be the only survivor? I wouldn't know what to do. I would feel so guilty that I lived and no one else did. If they can talk to each other, and help each other through it, they will be okay. They could talk to someone who has gone through what they did. 

    • I think thats a really good idea, that these people can all tell each others stories and how it affected them 

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    • It would definently be  more heartbreaking for people who had family members because they would have lost everything

  • I would feel extremely guilty, especially if I were the pilot! Maybe if I were a passenger I wouldn't feel as bad. It would be bad enough to go through the crash, let alone be constantly questioned about something you could do nothing about.

    • Thats a good point! But I would still feel bad that I survived and someone else didn't because someone else might have deserved it more

  • I think it would be tough because people might assume you had something to do with the crash or something and suspect you did something when you really didn't. 

  • It would an awful experience to go through. I would feel grateful to surviving the crash, but it would haunt me that all those other people died when I made it.  

  • that would be extremely rough.  I hope for his sake he didn't do it on purpose but only he will know, and he will have to live with his decisions for the rest of his life.

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