On Sunday, the Totterham Hotspur's 2-0 victory was short lived when a linesman was struck in the back by a smoked bomb. It was thrown from the stands, where two men have been accused and are now in custody for the crime. The situation is currently being investigated by the West Midlands Police.
"Two men arrested after an assistant referee was hit by a smoke bomb during a Premier League football match have been released on police bail.
The men, aged 25 and 47, were arrested after official David Bryan was struck by the missile which was thrown during the first half of play between Aston Villa and Tottenham Hotspur yesterday.
West Midlands Police said the pair have now been released on police bail, pending further inquiries."
This GIF shows how the linesman was hit. Even after he throw the smoke bomb on the ground, it continued to smoke.
Do you think the two men received the right punishment - should they be arrested? Why do you think they threw the smoke bomb in the first place? Why do you think they even had one?
Good story but you did not reply to any comments!
I think the men who threw it should be punished. It's just sports. Dont throw bombs
Yes they deserve to do some time in jail I think. I'm sure they threw the smoke bomb as a joke and they probably weren't happy with how the game was going or something.
I think they are just bad fans that need to get there act together and stop acting like children
Wow! That is crazy! I think they should get arrested. It is one thing to boo and show bad sportsmanship toward the referees, but throwing a smoke bomb? I have no idea how they would get the smoke bomb! That is ridiculous and uncalled for throwing it. They probably weren't happy for how the game was going or if their team was loosing. Did the referee get hurt or anything?
i think that they should go to jail for a 6 months to a year if not more. If he got injured they should have to pay the fine for all of the medical bills. They also should have to pay a fine for having a smoke bomb. They might of thrown the smoke bomb because they were mad that the team they were cheering for lost, or they thought the ref was making bad calls. They might be involved with the black market and might have gotten it from there. They also might have bought one off of e-bay or something like that. Over all what they did was wrong and they should have to pay for what they did.
It is lucky that the man didn't get too hurt... I think that they should get in some trouble because what they did could have really hurt him.
The two men should have shown more respect and cheered/booed instead of throwing a smoke. They probably weren't happy with how the game was going and wanted to interfere, which they did. As for how they got the smoke, I've never tried to get one, so I don't know how they did.