
Well it is almost Thanksgiving and we have not had any snow! Are you guys excited for snow to come? I personally am only excited for snow so I can go snowmobiling! Maybe we will have another winter like last year though with out much snow! What do you guys think??

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  • well i dont like snow at all but i want snow for Christmas, its not Christmas with out a white blanket of snow. and plus we need snow because we need moisture in our ground, other wise this next year it will be really hard to grow anything. so yeah i hope it snows soon

  • I hate snow. If we could have another year like last year that would be great. I hate being cold.

  • I dont want snow to come oh wait yeah i do its fun to sneak up on people and put snow down their shirt. I hope we get more snow then last year last year sucked

  • No. I do not want snow at all! I absolutely hate snow! Its way to cold and i don't like driving in it! I mean, it's pretty in all but i don't want it!

  • I thought Thanksgivving was fun and yeah I'm excited for my puppies to see their first snowfall!

  • I can't wait to get snow! and hope its not like last year at all

  • I love snow. I really don't like it being cold outside, but I like snow. I don't like so much snow as to the point where the roads are closed, because that can be dangerous. I'm excited for snow to come.

  • I dont really like snow because I always have to go outside and clean off the driveway and sidwalk. I hope we dont get too much.

  • I can't wait for it to snow! I hate having the winter holidays without snow! I want snow days really bad but I want to get out of school early.

  • well, I moved to town last year so I hope we get lots and lots of snow this year! When i lived out in the country, if we got a big blizzard we were usually stranded at our house until the busy snow graders finally dug us out, which was anywhere from three days to a week after the storm. Any trips to town or to check on neighbors had to be made by snowmobile. I remember one year we got a big snow storm, and then lots of freezing rain on top of it. The ice gathered on the power lines surrounding our area, and made almost everyone in walnut lose power for a long time.

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