a sniper working for the infamous pro-government militia known as the Shabeeha was working inside rebel controlled Territory. the bullet traveled through a frosted glass window and tore through a little child's mouth, sadly the next day she died from loss of blood.
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That's to bad. but how could have the sniper known the was someone behind the wall.
wow! that is soo upsetting to here about! :( poor little girl.. she was at the wrong place at the wrong time i guess.
that's horrible the Shabeeha need to be held accountable or a least that sniper. it's a militia so they shouldn't be exempt from the law, and it should count as murder.
That is awful. I'm sure the sniper wasn't intending to shoot the girl and I would feel so terrible. Do you have any other information?
Oh this is so terrible! How does this happen? I mean I understand it most likely was an accident but I feel so bad for the family of this little girl.
That is terrible, of course some casualties may happen when humans use such devices. But, a little girl? That is too bad, and i feel sorry for the family.
Awww. That is really sad, she must of been in the wrong place at the wrong time.
That is horrible, and a very graphic description of what happened. It definitely shows how much violence there is in those countries.
thats terrible why was the sniper shooting into a frosted window and unless they thought it was abandoned why would they shoot that building if they new there were people in there.
That is horrible who would want to do that.