Sleep More, Lose Weight

According to a new study, the more sleep you get the more weight you lose. It tested people who slept 8.5 hours and 5.5 hours, all on the same died schedual. Turns out the ones who slept more lost the most weight. I don't know about you, but I always thought sleeping more would make you gain weight since you're not up and being active. So sleep away!Link:

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  • Yah I have heard of that but I don't really worry about that I'm trying to gain wieght for football. I have heard of people that can't lose wieght and then they start sleeping more and then they start loosing wieght.

  • that is so cool. I hurd about that too.

  • hahaha.. thats cool .. inthought if I sleep more i would gain weight .. but is not almost nothing you lose sleeping .. i prefer do some activity

  • That is great news! I love sleeping, but this is deceiving for some. You still have to eat healthy in order for this to take effect or make a difference in weight loss.

  • I love sleeping. On weekends when I have nothing going on, I enjoy to get at least 12 hours of sleep haha. Didn't know you'd lose weight though?

  • Well that is interesting. I also thought that the more you slept the more the more weight you gain. But i gues not. I guess it kind of does make sense though. Because if you are sleeping then you wont be eating.

  • Thats just kinda common sense because your not eating anything but your metabolysms going.

  • dangg! i sleep at least 8 and a half hours a sleep a day..:)

  • I thought that if you slept alot you gained more weight...but i guess in wrong!

  • This is pretty neat i think for loosing weight. This means i shouldnt sleep as much because im trying to gain a little extra fat, but sleep is healthy for your body also.

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