Skydiver Gets Hit By Plane

On Saturday a plane collided with a parachuter. The plane collided with John Frost a 49 year old. He was parachuting at the time of 87 year old Shannon Trembleys flight manuevers called "touch and goes." This manuever is where you dive to the ground skim or touch the ground and then incline agian. He collided with the parachutes strings and got caught flinging the man around the nose diving the plane into the ground and smashing it. Surprisingly no one was hurt. I think this would be pretty dang scary for both the men!

If you were the pilot what would be going through your head as you colided with the man?

If you were the parachuter what would be going through your head?

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  • Good but this story had already been done. Be sure to check the other posts before posting.

  • I want to start this discussion by saying I laughed a little harder than I should have... Secondly, what are the chances that a human would get it by something like a plane? If I were the parachuter, I'd have gone into shock as it happened and be passed out by the time i finally hit the ground.

    • Ha unlikely but could have happend.

  • If I was the pilot I would be freaking out and if I was the other guy I would be praying I wasn't dead

  • That is crazy! I'm surprised that nobody got hurt. I bet that both of them thought that they were going to die.

  • I would be freaking out. I would be thinking that im about to die. I think that this man is very lucky.

    • Yes it is very miraculous that neither one was hurt.

  • One of the first things I think I would do is think "how did that happen? What are the odds?" I would then probably hope and pray for my life. I'm glad that no one got hurt.

  • If I was the skydiver I would be freaked out but then again there is nothing that the skydiver could do. If I was the pilot i would just be hoping that i dont take mine or the skydivers life

  • I wouldn't know what to do if i was either individual. It's a miracle that nobody was hurt. 

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