Skydive Gone Wrong

A skydiver and a plane became entangled, sending both crashing to the ground. The 87 year old pilot of the plane was doing takeoff and landing maneuvers, when on the third run the skydiver's parachute became entangled on the wing of the plane.

Story here 

Neither of the two involved were seriously injured. The National Transportation Safety Board and FAA are investigating.


I'm just glad that nobody was killed or seriously. If that happened to you would you ever go skydiving again? I probably wouldn't.

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  • Stay away from yes and no questions.

  • I don;t think I would have gone skydiving because I have a fear of heights and I don't think that the skydiver is going to want to do it again

  • no i woiuld not go skydiving again

  • Wow.... I've never heard about an actual plane/skydiver collision until now. Quite the surprise. I'm glad (and amazed) that both men weren't harmed too bad. To go skydiving after an incident like this, I'd just try to find a nice, rarely flown by place ( like a desert) to drop at. 

  • It takes some crazy amount of courage to jump out of a plane. I don't think i could do it. Im glad they are both safe. my brother went sky diving last year he said it was a lot of fun but i know i couldnt do it

  • I wouldn't unless I knew it was safe. I wonder what went wrong when they were skydiving? 

  • No, I would be to scared to risk my life again.

  • I'm glad no one got hurt, and I'd never go skydiving again if it happened to me I'd be done....

  • If that was me in the parachute I probably would be to scared to do it again.

  • If I had an experience like that I would not go again. I always thought it was weird how there was an 87 year old pilot...maybe that had something to do with it.

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