Both these stories are terrifying to think about including when the first sinkhole open up underneath 37 year old Jeff Bush who at the time was thought to be deceased. The first sinkhole was 30 feet wide and 20 feet deep. A week later a second on appeared but opened between 2 homes and was 12 feet round, 3 feet deep around the edges and about 5 feet deep in the center but appeared to be unrelated to the one that opened up under Jeff Bush whose body will probably never be retrieved, the 2 homes surrounding the second sinkhole where evacuated and are unlikely to ever be allowed inside again, and yesterday demolition crews returned to Bush's house to demolish the rest of the home before efforts could begin to stabilize the sinkhole.

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  • It is definetley one of those freak things that people don't think to worry about everyday. Sink holes obviously are not even close to common to all the fatalities waiting to happen concerning automobiles etc, but they are not any less scary.

  • That is freaky scary and that is weried what would you do you wouldnt be able to yell for help

  • This is so scary and sad. I hope it doesn't happen again! it really makes you count your blessings because those people can't even live in their houses anymore and the guy lost his life.

  • that is sooo scary! I wonder what cause the sink holes. The people would that lived around the house are probably scared too! And they probably won't be able to go back into there houses again. Scary!

  • This is really scary!! Just thinking there could be a sinkhole under your house!! What if that's really how the world ends is in a sink whole! Scary thought!!

  • I saw this on the news about how his friend was down in the sinkhole with him to try and rescue him, but he had to be rescued himself. It sounds terrible.

  • holy cow! it would be so scary to be swallowed alive. i hope they get this under control. 

  • that would be really scary and freaky! i feel so sorry for that guy that got swallowed thats terrible

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