Simon Cowell, one of the judges on the X Factor, met a girl at an LA night club. He ended up taking her back to his hotel, but when he woke up the next morning, he found that his wallet was gone, along with a laptop full of X Factor secret information.
He called the cops, and they used the security videos to track down the girl that stole his things. She was willing to return the computer and the wallet, but the wallet was empty when it was returned.
This would kinda suck on Simon's part, but really? You would want to be a little more careful about things like that <:/
I don't feel sorry for him. I think taking a random girl home is sleazy anyway.
thats sorta his fault, you dont go taking random girls to a hotel while you have info like that x factor info on you
the guys off of jersey shore take random chicks home and they dnt get robbed but the girls pry like them more ahahah
He should not be surprised that she had robbed him, since he just met her. I agree that he should be a little more careful of situations like this. I don't feel sorry for him; he should have been more careful.
thats funny ha. why would he take a random chick to his hotel
Dang this sucks for him I mean you are with a women then she betrays you and steals your stuff. I would think that he would be more careful with who he is around and who he dates, since he is famous, and people tend to do crazy stuff around famous people.
He took a girl he didn't know home with him. It can't be that surprising that she just wanted the stuff. People do crazy things sometimes but Simon, seriously, think a little bit next time.
Thats really funny, I like Simon and I feel sorry for him but he should not be so careless! He shouldn't trust a random stranger
I don't feel sorry for him at all. You just don't take a random girl home especially when you have a lot of money and are famous! DUH!