Sick of Gas Prices

Alright, so lately, gas has been on the rise. Im sick and tired of it, and would like it to stop going up. I thought the economy was going to be recovering, and now it seems like were deeper in the reccession all of a sudden due to high gas prices. What A Joke! Here is the article for the story. Please share opinions,



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  • yes gas is expensive, but eventually it will go down again, thats just the way it is.
  • I don't see a link??
  • I didn't realize how much gas was and how easily you can lose it until I got a car, yes we need to work on that.
  • i could go witrh them being cheeper but i dont think that they are that bad..
  • Just be glad that gas prices arent four dollars like it used to be. I dont think that gas prices are that high compared to what they used to be.
  • I dont have a car so i dont have to worry about paying gas money
  • Nels, you drive a big truck! Gas is going to get expensive!
    We can start helping pay for your gas, especailly when we go to the city!
    Don't worry buddy, I think every teen that has to pay for their own gas gets a little irritated by the cost.
  • yeah its pretty crazy how the gas prices flucuate all the time and when you think they are staying low Harlan gas stations get together and raise the price !!!
  • My car is currently getting fixed... so I've been driving my dad's truck and don't have to pay for gas.
  • i am getting really sick of spend 75 dollars to fill my tank
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