
  • The Shroud of Turin is real. As a believer in Jesus Christ, I believe that this was the burial cloth that Jesus was laid to rest in. The Shroud defies anything that scientists can explain.
  • Its cool but if you look at it too long or think about it its really kind of creepy and sad looking whether its real or not.
  • creepy...
  • yeah i heard it too and yes that is weird.
  • whoah that's kind of wierd. It's kind of creepy too.
  • i saw that show to and they were trying to find out how old it was and they could not figure out how old it really was
  • I can see it
  • umm where did they find this at ? its weird.
  • that is weird, if its real..
  • i heard about this on something and it said that like.. the cloth was not old enough to have existed around the time of where jesus walked.
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