Should you trust Wikipedia?

Wikipedia is a well-known source to most. Wikipedia is an online source that is written and maintained by a group of volunteers. Typically, it is one of the first sites that comes up in your search engine. This has been a hot topic for a long time. Many say wikipedia is unreliable and not trustworthy, others say it is an okay website to use. How do we know if wikipedia is reliable if the writers are volunteers?


Wikipedia has run into some problems in the past that have put a dent in their reputation. There was an American journalist who was reading his online biography done by wikipedia, and he was listed as a conspirator in two assassinations regarding John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy. They could not identify the writer of this biography because the only information they have about these writers is their computer IP address. Later on, the writer laughed it off and apologized saying he wrote it as a joke. 


In my opinion, I think wikipedia can be reliable sometimes but I wouldn’t typically choose a wikipedia link. I would rather find a more reliable source when getting my information. I think wikipedia has fooled too many people too many times since its upbringing. If I absolutely need to use wikipedia, I would make sure the given information is correct before using it further within my project/paper/assignment.


Do you use wikipedia?

Do you think wikipedia should be considered a reliable source?

Do you think wikipedia is trustworthy?

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  • I think that Wikipedia shouldn't be a main source of information, but it's not bad to use from time to time. Wikipedia isn't always 100% reliable, but that doesn't mean that all the information on there is wrong. It does depend on what you're researching on there but for the most part, I think that you can trust Wikipedia.

    • I agree, it can be accurate with some topics.

  • I dont make a habit of using Wikipedia If I use it its on rare occasions. I dont think Wikipedia should be considered a reliable becuase there is a lot of wrong information they can have with certain topics. Its not a trustworthy source because of the amount of misinformation they have on there site. 

  • I think wikipedia is a good source to use if you have information to back up what you got off the website. I don't think it's as unreliable as some make it out to seem but I don't think it should be considered a fully trusted site. If you have access to better information from a more trusted site then you should use that over wikipedia. 

    • I agree, it is good for checking information to see if it's accurate.

  • I don't think that wikipedia should not be considered a primary source. Sometimes I use wikipedia if the topic I use is common. I think wikipedia is semi-trustworthy since anyone could edit it, but I would not use it as a primary source.

    • I agree, Wikipedia is helpful for looking up common information.

  • I don't think that wilipeadia is a relliable source because it can be changed by anyone at anytime. I don't use wikipedia, especially if its for a project in school or something. I think that wikipedia is somewhat trustworthy because some of their information is correct, but again, I wouldn't say it is reliable.

    • I agree, I don't use Wikipedia for school papers.

  • I believe that you can't trust Wikipedia as much as you could from a .gov or .edu site. From past times of myself using Wikipedia, the information has always been true for me. You could obviously use Wikipedia, but you would also need to use a few more sites. 

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