Should You Give Money to the Homeless?

When presented with the opportunity to help out someone who is homeless, what is your go-to option? Do you take out your wallet and offer what you can, or do you opt to get this person in need food? Both possibilities could potentially save lives and are good choices to be made. With one option you are financially boosting a person significantly in need, and with the other, you are feeding someone who maybe hasn't had food in days.

Many people have strong opinions on how they think the homeless should be helped. A big argument is that helping a homeless person in need by donating money to them is not a good idea because the person receiving the money could be spending it on drugs. This idea perpetuates the notion that all homeless people are heavily addicted to drugs and it is dehumanizing and harmful to those who are in genuine need of help. Many people who are homeless prefer to receive cash or monetary donations instead of edible donations because food can be hard to store and can be bought with said monetary donations. Money in general is preferable because it can be used for many things like toiletries and other necessities along with food. 

In general, when you decide to donate or help someone, it should be selfless. When you take the time to help you should not be passing judgment on those you are helping. Not every homeless person is addicted to drugs and giving homeless people food instead of money could be harming more than helping in some situations. You should always ask before donating, and if you would rather just donate food, maybe you should donate canned goods and nonperishables to your local food bank or church where homeless people can receive it when they are in need of it. 

Would you give money to the homeless?

Do you think it is more ethical to give money to the homeless?

If you were homeless would you prefer to receive money or food?


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  • yes, I would give homeless people money. Personally ive seen bad experiences with homeless people so you kinda have to be cautious but I know if I was homeless I would want money because I could pick something I like. Or if I need something more than food at the time I could get what I need. 

  • Yes I would give money to the homeless and I think it's more ethical. They could have just been gaven food or something but if you give them money they can buy food when they are hungry or they can buy other things they need. I would prefer money also because over time to not be homeless anymore money is what you really need.

  • I would give money to the homeless because they could use it to get essential needs. I know that some homeless people don't use the money they get for needs. Some of them use the money for drugs or things like that.  If I were homeless I would prefer food because sometimes resaurants or food places don't let homeless people go in.

  • I think that the rich needs to give the homeless money or donate more to soup kitchens. there are too may people on the streets who need help, I'm sure even a small amount in order for them to get a job will make our world a better place

  • I would give money to the homeless because i think everyone should get a chance to be happy and at least get food in thier belly. ecspeically if they have dogs or children, i would give them at least 50 bucks if i had it. I think it is ethical to give homeless money because they usually need it more then we do. They will spend it on bad things sometimes but i'll take that chance. I would rather recive money because i could save it up and maybe get a tent.

  • In my oppinion i think we should not give money to the homeless. insted we should provide them food and cothing, because nowday the make us think that they are homeless when they are really not and use that money for drugs or some other illegal things, thats why i think we should not give homeless people money.

  •  I would give money to the homeless if they absolutely could not work. I think if homeless dont have a job they should atleast try to get one because some of them are jjust lazy. If I was homeless id rather recieve money.

  • No, I don't think you should give money to the homeless if you give them money they will just keep begging you and that is not good f you ignore them maybe they will get a job and if they have a job they should have money for food if they're not paying for a house. honestly, if I was homeless I would go to my parents and live with them till I get back on my feet I feel like everyone has someone who would let them stay for a while to get themselves back together.

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