In Iowa you have to be able to take a drivers education class in order to receive your intermediate driver's license. This class helps you learn about the safety of driving.
One pretty good thing about taking a drivers ed class is that you will be able to get more experience and learn alot of new things before you get on the road. Certain states require this class to be taken in order to receive your license at the age of 16. You will get more comfortable and become confident in it. When you get to be older it can help you become safer on the road for yourself and others.
A negative thing about being required to take this class is that the cost of it can be very high and some people are not able to afford it like others. With the cost being so high some kids do not get the experancie like others do and it can have an impact on others.
I personally think that people should be required to take a drivers ed class in order to get there license. Reason for that would be they could get the experience and will be able to be more safe for themselves along with other drivers on the road.
Should all states require a driver's education class?
Do you think that drivers ed will benefit you in the future?
Great topic choice Natalie! Your summary is fine but brief. You also should have replied more frequently as well.
I believe that a drivers ed class should be required to protect citizens on the roads, but it should cost significantly less per person. I personally know several people who have opted to take the Drivers Ed class online, instead of in-person because of the high price. I think the drivers ed class if very beneficial to learn the rules of the road, and the class should be available to everyone.
I think it should be required but the cost of it be way less. I think more people would be willing to do drivers ed if the cost weren't so high. But I think if you have a certain amount of driving hours with a parent. Then you shouldn't be required to take drivers ed. If you can show the instructor that you know how to drive and know how to park and everything and can pass a written test. Then I think it shouldn't be required but just strongly encouraged
Yes, it's a very good experience for everyone, it will benefit everyone. Learning at a younger age with help you become a better driver, and help you become more aware when on the road.
I think that drivers Ed class should still be requiered in all states just for the reason of having some what of a thought of what like the signs are and other things. I don't know if drivers Ed will benefit me as much as it did right away but I defintly think that it could for like the aspect of changing a tire and oil.
I think that we should be required to take Drivers Ed because it is better for the driver to have experiance, and it will make them be safer when they drive to school and other activities. I think that it also shows how much experiance the driver has already, and that they are prepared to make choices themselves. I think that the cost could go down a bit though.
I think that all people should be required to take a driver's ed class because it will teach kids the rules and laws of the road. and will also show them what could happen if they got in a crash and what they could do to be a better or safer driver and prevent more chases from happening.
Yes, I personally think that people should have to be required to take a driver's ed class. I think it would be a lot more beneficial for everyone, and as a result, there would be a lot fewer crashes because students would learn stuff. I think making the class required would benefit new and learning drivers.
Yes, I think that people should be required to take a driver's ed class. Most people are bad enough at driving the way it is. I think there would be a lot more automobile accidents if there wasn't a drivers ed class. I think it would be very good for our futures.
I think if you are driving unsupervised you should have to take driver's ed. This can prevent many things like accidents and deaths. Like they have now where its not required to take driver's ed for your Instruction Permit but I do think it should be required for your Intermediate