Should we keep undercover/unmarked cops? Though those ones are marked and can pull you over, are unmarked police cars really necessary?
Overall, undercover policing has been a very effective route in policing. Undercover police cars control the movement of traffic. When people know there may be a cop they tend to follow traffic laws better. When no cops are easily seen, they loosen up on the laws. Having unmarked police cars out can worry some people into obeying the laws. Many crimes tend to happen where police cars are not. Having unmarked cars can secure the area better and catch criminals. The use of unmarked cars may seem unfair, but it ensures safety for the public. In Iowa, it is legal for there to be Unmarked police cars. If the police officer is not in uniform, they must be in a marked police car, but if they are in uniform, they may be in an unmarked police car.
Many people do not enjoy being pulled over, especially by someone they didn’t even know was around. Unmarked cop cars blend into traffic. Unmarked cars are sometimes difficult to identify. If an unmarked car tries to pull you over some would think it wasn’t a cop because it has no marking. Unmarked cars can lead to people impersonating the police and abduction rates increase. Some people will not end up obeying the police orders if they are unmarked.
Personally, I have seen an unmarked police car pull someone over before, and I don't think they should be banned. We don't have very many unmarked cars in Iowa, and I think it is fine. We should be obeying the laws at all times, so it shouldn't matter if they are marked or not, but I do see why some would find it very aggravating to have them. If you live in a bigger city, you may not realize when they are trying to pull you over. But in Small town Harlan, we don't have this problem, especially since we don't have a police department anymore.
Do you think unmarked cop cars should be banned? Why or why not?
Have you ever seen an unmarked police car do anything?
Do you think the unmarked police cars really affect us in any way?
I never thought of it that way before. It could worry the citizen if they don't realize that is who they are needing help from.
I don't think that unmarked police cars should be banned. They're to keep people safe and it's part of driving safely. If you're following the laws, they shouldn't be a problem. I have seen a good amount of unmarked police cars.
I agree, as long as you are following the laws it wouldnt and shouldn't be a problem. I have seen a few around Harlan also.
I don''t think unmarked should be removed because if you were driving properly there shouldn't be a problem if they are there or not. im just convinced that people who don't want them have a reason that they don't follow rules well while driving. Unmarked or not people should be driving safely.
I agree, if someone is driving properly to the law they shouldn't be worried about it. I also agree unmarked or not they should still drive safely.
I don't think they should be banned because they are keeping people safe. They are really just doing their job, I think they could definetly pick up more people than a regular police car. I have seen a couple of unmarked ones in Harlan and they are hard to pick out and they are covered very well.
I agree, they can be covered very well, but I do agree that they shouldn't be banned.
I think that unmarked police cars are fine. As long as you are obeying the traffic laws they should have no reason to pull you over and you shouldn't have to worry about them. They catch the people who are speeding and don't see them coming.
I agree, they catch a lot of traffic violations and such. People that obey the laws shouldn't have to worry about this anyway
I think that unmarked cop cars should not be banned because if you were following the laws you wouldn't have to worry about it. I have seen an unmarked police car and they are fairly easy to spot so it doesn't affect me in any way.