Physical conduct should be used as a last resort, however in dangerous situations it should be used. Knowing self defense could mean life or death for some people.
Along with learning how to protect themselves students can also learn self awareness, Spatial awareness, and help students detect dangerous situations early before anything happens. Self defense can also improve self-confidence and physical fitness. Studies show that teaching students self defense actually reduces physical Disputes in school.
In many cases when young adults are in danger they panic however part of knowing and learning self defense is keeping calm and bing able to see thing level headed. With over about six different styles of common and practical self defense and more then 170 styles of martial arts this being there are many different opportunities for schools to teach different styles.
With most styles of self defense you do not have to worry about being stronger then your opponent. When learning self defense you are taught how to use your opponents body weight and momentum against them.
Teaching self defense in school could be beneficial in many ways. I personally thing that we should make a P.E class for a form of self defense. For thoses who want to take part of learning self defense.
Should we have a self defense class in school?
Do you know self defense, if so what kind of it?
I think we should have a self defense class of some sorts. People could use the things they are taught to use against bullies. I do think that people might use what they were taught to bully others though. I think they need to pick people who won't use it for that kind of purpose.
Yes, I think there should be self-defense classes in school because learning how to protect yourself in any dangerous situation is very important, and it could be very for your physical and possibly your mental health. Knowing what to do if you get into a fight outside of school or if you’re walking home and you're being followed.
Being in a situation like those are scary and knowing self defense could make them a lot less scary. being able to defend yourself is going to be a huge thing growing up in the world that we live in.
I think self defense would be nice but at the same time everyone is babied these days. If someone says something than they go cry and tell on them. Besides the point I think that when some kids learn to fight they try to start fights to see if they win. Other than that it would be awesome I would do it.
I think we should have a self defense class available for students. I don't think it should be required for students but it should be available. Self defense would be a good skill to have for many different situations. I think quite a few people would take the class.
I think self defense classes would be great for people because the world is very dangerouse so i think it would be smart to have it as a class, like you could choose it for a physical education class. i don't think it should be manditory though, i believe it should be optional.
I do think we should have a self defence class in school. It should be part of your PE class, or even a seperate class. I think self defence is very important to protect yourself against people who want to harm you. I do not know any forms of self defence but I would be willing to learn.
In my opinion, it would be good to teach self defense as a part of a PE class. I think that it is important for students to know how to defent themselves because there is certain chance that many of us will face dangerous situations. Unfortunately, I don't really know self defense yet.
My opinion is that students should know self defense. They can better protect themselves and their peers. I definitely think that classes are manageable for teachers at a high school, just like they tested how fast we ran and how many pull ups we could do. It is like doing that again but for safety reasons.
I think that teaching students a self-defense class would really benifit not only students, but also our future generations, and make everyone a whole lot safer. Many students could be in possibly dangerous situations sometime in life, and without proper training, they might not be able to defend themselves.