This past year trans gender athletes have been dominating sports that that have transitioned into. I think that they should not be allowed to play sports with the gender they transition into.

        For example, Lia Thomas, she had made the decision to become a women and continue swimming. She had dominated the competition and is seconds away from Katie Ledecky’s record. Even if your on the testosterone blockers, you still have the strength of a man. Men are genetically stronger than women. So if you want to be a women than avoid playing sports. Katlin Genner said last year that “Trans gender record breaking swimmer should not compete with women”. I agree with her on that because we are just made to be bigger.

        Women are strong but, men can gain and loose weight and muscle way faster than women. Wrestling for example, I can loose 15 pounds in under two weeks and it might take a girl to loose 8 pounds in two weeks. I think that women  and men should not compete together and nor should trans gender.
All in all what you do is up to you but I think that they should be separate and not be able to compete together. 



1. Should they be allowed in sports as the gender they Identify 

2. should we make a different league for them 

3. what do you thinl about Lia thoumas competing




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  • No, it wouldn't be fair, men and women are made diiferntly. No, they should just compete with the gender they were born with, then it would be fair. I don't think it was fair of them to do, the only reason she won, was because she was asigned male at birth  

  • I agree with you, if you were born a man you should stay a man and not be able to join women's sports. I think people should only be allowed in the sports they were born into. I think it would be unnecessary to make a whole different league for them. I think Lia Thomas competing is really rude to all the female swimmers as she took the record but was not born a woman. 

  • I agree. If you are born a man, you participate in male sports. If you are born a women you participate in female sports. It doesn't matter what someone "identifies as" what you are born as is what you are, male or female. There are many different competitive advantages with participating in sports that you aren't supposed to participate in.

    • I agree people car to much about titles and how they feel when it is simply bioligy. You can't change and still compete in sports and the gender you changed into. Genatics show that it is an unfair advantage like Lia Thomas 

  • I think that trans people should never be able to compete in sport they identify with, biologically, if you are born a man then you have a physical advantadge, men are built broader than women, and naturally have more muscle tone. If a trans woman transitioned from a man and went to play womens basketball it could be compared to lebron james playing basketball with a group of 1st graders, it just wouldn't be fair. No matter how many horomones, drugs or other procedures a person can go through in order to appear as the opposite gender, they will always be born with their original gender, theres no changing that.

  • I agree, I don't think trans-gender people should be allowed to compete in the sport that they identify with. Like you said, it makes it so unfair for everyone else. There really is no "drug" that they can use to make it fair for everyone else. I don't think making a different league would help anything, they should just play the sport that they are the gender of genetically. And especially if Lia Thomas was good in mens swimming, it would make if more unfair for the other women competing. 

    • I agree with you, I think that it is unfair to come from the bottem of mens swimming and to come up to 1 as a women. I think it is unfair to the familys and to the swimmers. I think that a different league would be good but I am not sure on how we would be able to sistain it because the lack of veiws or maybe spouncers for example.

  • I agree with you. I think that transgender people shouldn't be able to compete in the gender they identify as because it would cause the games to be unfair. I think they should make their own league if there are enough people. personally I would not like it if I was on the oposite team than a trans person because that would just be an unfair advantage for the other team because most of the time men are stronger.

  • I don't think that they should be allowed to compete because it creates an unfair advantage. I do not think that there should be another league because there is only two genders so, we only need two leagues. I think that Lia Thomas is a good athlete but she has an advantage, and she shouldn't be allowed to race agianst females.

  • I agree, I do not think that transgender people should be able to compete with their transitioned gender in sports. I think that men and women are on a completely different skill level competitively, and that it really just isn't fair for men to be playing with women, and vice versa. Personally, I don't think that there should be a seperate league for them either because there aren't enough people to even be playing in that league, no matter the sport. I don't think that Lia Thoumas should be able to compete with the female swimmers because men are usually just stronger, faster, and more athletic, and that wouldn't be fair to the women who work hard for what they can achieve. 

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