This past year trans gender athletes have been dominating sports that that have transitioned into. I think that they should not be allowed to play sports with the gender they transition into.
For example, Lia Thomas, she had made the decision to become a women and continue swimming. She had dominated the competition and is seconds away from Katie Ledecky’s record. Even if your on the testosterone blockers, you still have the strength of a man. Men are genetically stronger than women. So if you want to be a women than avoid playing sports. Katlin Genner said last year that “Trans gender record breaking swimmer should not compete with women”. I agree with her on that because we are just made to be bigger.
Women are strong but, men can gain and loose weight and muscle way faster than women. Wrestling for example, I can loose 15 pounds in under two weeks and it might take a girl to loose 8 pounds in two weeks. I think that women and men should not compete together and nor should trans gender.
All in all what you do is up to you but I think that they should be separate and not be able to compete together.
1. Should they be allowed in sports as the gender they Identify
2. should we make a different league for them
3. what do you thinl about Lia thoumas competing
First of all you picked a topic that is intersting for sure. Overall your article is brief though. Please work on expanding by doing deeper research into the topic and educating people a bit on the issue. Good job replying but be sure to reply on three different days. Also, no too to shout your title.
Although the athletes may identify as another gender, they still reap the benefits of starting as a boilogically stronger male. In my opinion, this would make it unfair for the women athletes to compete, because they trans-athletes are as strong as men. Instead, I do think that if they still want to transition, they could have an option to go into a trans-athlete league, or stay in their previous league. I believe that Lia Thoumas competing was unfair for the other swimmers because she had a great advantage over the others.
I do not think that trans people should not compete in the gender they identify with. I feel that it is a great idea to make a different league for them so it isn't unfair to women. I think that it isn't fair that Lia Thoumas won because of the fact of men being stronger than women. Even though she identifies as a female and takes pills does not mean it takes away all the testosterone.
I don't think that they should play in sports by the gender they identify becuase it's unfair becuase if you identify as a women then other women in the same sport won't think it's fair cause usually men are stronger than women. I think that they should make a different league so it won't be fair for everyone if they don't. I don't think Lia Thomas should be playing in women sports cause it's unfair for the other women that are competting.
I believe that trans people whether that would be male or female should be able to play in sports as the gender they identify with because it would just make things uncomfortable for that individual. I personally wouldn't mind playing a sports against a trans person because most of the time you can't tell any ways unless you knew the person before the transitioned.
I disagree with you because men are naturally stronger than women. Yes women are strong but men are still stronger. If you are surper committed to a sport and a male changed into a women and distroys you I think that would make you a little upset. I don't know how it would make them uncomfortable because if they decided to change than they are already acceptting who they are. I think that Lia Thomas is a good example because she came from 400 in mens to number 1 in girls. I think it is unfair to women playing sport to be dominated like that.
I believe that whichever gender you were born as, that is the sport gender group you participate in. As everyone else has said, it makes an unfair advantage to the opposite gender. 1 gender can be better at things than the other and the same the other way around. I don't think they should have their own league either. This once again would make an unfair advantage.
I agree with you, when a man wants to be a women and still play sports I think it is wrong for them to compete in the gender they Identify. But if they want to change and not play sports they changed into than I think you do you. I think it is unfair to women playing sports to be dominated because a man wants to be a women and change genders. We are genetically stronger.
I dont think transgender people should be able to play sports against the oppisite gender, it creates an unfair advantage. It isn't necessary to make another leage for them, in my opinion. I don't think it was fair that Lia thomas was able to swim against women because many of those swimmers work hard to get to where they are and it isn't fair for them to have their oppertunities stolen because someone has an unfair advantage.
No, transgender people should not be allowed to join the opposite gender leagues because they, for example. a man could break world records in a female track team because he is a male. I feel like they should make a different league for people who are transgender and who identify as a male or female.