Should TikTok be banned?
Recently, there has been a lot of controversy on if TikTok should be banned or not. Some people find it necessary and some people think the complete opposite. The house of representatives recently passed a bill to ban TikTok. Originally, it was Donald Trump’s idea to ban TikTok. It was Joe Biden who was somewhat against the ban. Now, it is the opposite. Donald Trump promises not to ban TikTok if he wins the 2024 presidential election and Joe Biden is trying to take TikTok away. It was unanimously approved by the Energy and Commerce Committee with a vote of 50 to 0.
More than 150 million Americans use TikTok and both people who use it and don’t are wondering if it is safe. Like all social media apps of course there are scams for things like followers, romance, and investment scams. One thing about Tik Tok is it doesn’t secure your information like Facebook does, which makes it untrustworthy and dangerous.
If TikTok was banned, influencers all around the world would lose all followers and would have to start all over on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, which could be banned in the future as well. Shira, a TikTok influencer says, "TikTok has cultivated a huge community of people who discuss politics and current affairs without it being altered by propaganda. A lot of us just want to know the truth. The whole TikTok ban is clearly a tactic to control the narrative." Brandon Hurst, another influencer says, “These representatives and senators don’t understand that what they’re doing won’t just harm people they call ‘content creators.’ It would hurt small businesses.” Personally, I agree. I think that a lot of people have made a living off of TikTok. Especially because of a new feature on TikTok called, “TikTok shop” which gives creators the ability to sell their own items which TikTok then offers coupons for making it more affordable, which equals out to more people buying.
What do you think? Should TikTok be banned? Or should it be kept?
Do you use TikTok? How often?
Do you think TikTok is safe to use?
I disagree, it's a fun app to be on! However, you do have to be careful.
I don't think TikTok should be banned, it seems like a waste of time trying to get it banned too. I use TikTok pretty often, it is entertaining and can actually teach you stuff. I think, like any other social media, TikTok can be safe but can also be dangerous.
I agree. I think there are other things the government can ban instead of TikTok that would make the world better.
I don't think tik tok should be banned, I use tik tok a lot and enjoy watching videos. It easy to use if you can't stay on task for a long time. I think tik tok is safe to use if you are smart with it.
I agree. I think you should be safe with it.
I don't think tiktok should be banned, I enjoy being on tiktok and watching videos. It entertains me because I can;t focus on thing for too long. I use tiktok probly everyday. I think tiktok is safe to use, if you are mature with it.
I agree. I think to use TikTok, you should be mature enough.