Should There be Assigned Seats in Lunch?

Should there be assigned seats in lunch?


Should there be assigned seats in lunch? This topic can be seen from multiple views. In a poll done by The Neersyde, they discovered that 59% of students said that assigned seating helps them connect with other students who they usually don't talk to. 60% said that it helps them make new friends. On the other hand, 88% said that assigned seating should not continue. We will explore the pros and cons. 


First, we will be exploring the pros. Students who don’t have a friend group or many friends in that lunch might feel more included because they don’t have to worry about finding someone to sit with. Assigned seating also allows students to meet and talk to some people who they might not normally have a conversation with. For lunchroom supervisors it might prevent the lunch room from getting to loud or crazy because it will not be big groups of friends sitting together. 


Next, let's look at the cons. First of all, students can't sit with their friends. Lunch is one of the only times of the day where students get a chance to talk to their friends who they might not have classes with. Another con with assigned seating is that some students might not get along, especially in highschool, there can be lots of problems between students. In addition, some students would rather not talk to people that they don't know. 


I think that students in highschool should not have to have assigned seating. I feel that students should have the 25 minutes to talk to their friends who they might not have any classes with. In my opinion, there are good reasons to have a seating chart, but I believe the cons outweigh the pros. 

Do you think highschool should have a seating chart for lunch?


How would you feel if the administration assigned a seating chart?


What is your opinion on students who aren't following the rules getting moved to different tables?

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  • Great topic choice and well done Catherine!

  • I personally do not think that there should be assigned seating or seating charts during lunch in highschool. If the administration were to assign a seating chart during lunch I would be very mad. Because I think we should have the freedom to have a choice on where we sit during lunch. 

  • I think high schools should not assign seat for lunch. I would absolutely hate if the administration assigned a seating chart because I think lunch is a time to be able to talk to your friends. What the point of a seating chart is to introduce people to people they haven't met before that people can make new friends and so no one sits alone, but in high school people whould just end up on their phones the entire time.

  • I think that highschool students should not have assigned seats. This is because students should have the opportunity to hang out with their friends while they have the chance to. I think that if the administration assigned a seating chart I wouldn't talk to people as much, I think that I would spend more time on my phone instead of having social interaction with people.

  • Personally i would not like assaigned seats at lunch becasue i enjoy sitting with my firends and socailizing. but i also see hwo assaigned seat coudl be benefical, you can meet new people and the people who do not have anyone to sit by at lunch 

  • I do not think we should have a seating chart for lunch, I personally think having time to talk with friends or whatever is more better. And I also think that seating charts are dumb, I don't personally perfer them. I agree that students who aren't acting so well during lunch should moved somewhere, but, I don't really mind about that.

  • I think that students in highschool should not have a seating chart for lunch because we are not children and we can control ourselves around our friends. I think if we were to get a seating chart it would be almost insulting because they don't think we are mature enough.

    • I agree. I think we should be trusted enough to be able to choose who we sit by during lunch. 

  • I dont think that there should be assigned seats during lunch beacause by doing that we would be treated like little kids. I think that it would be akward because you could be seated next to someone you don't know.

    • I agree. I don't like talking to people I don't know so I also think it would make lunch awkward.

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