Do you think the military should be allowed to use enhanced interrogation techniques?
There are many mixed emotions on this topic, many think yes, although there are still a good amount who think no. What are some reasons they would need to use these techniques?
In many cases this technique would be necessary due to a bomb threat, or a threat of an attack. The first time enhanced interrogation techniques were known to be used was around March - April 2002, when Abu Zubaydah was captured. After this event happened they kept him in isolation for 47 days, then used the waterboarding technique. If you didn’t know, this technique is used to simulate drowning. These techniques are used to get information out of people, but it doesn’t always work out.
In my opinion to be completely honest, I have mixed feelings about this. I think this because yes in some cases this is the only way you can get the information you need, but there are also many different outcomes that could happen.
Do you think it's safe to use these techniques?
How do you feel about these techniques?
Should they be allowed? Why or why not?
I think it can be safe only if the military has practice and knows what to do and what not to do to keep everyone safe. It is a smart idea for getting information out of people but it can also end badly. I hvae mixed feelings about this, if they use it correctly then yes, but it could also be done wrong and harm someone.
I agree, they just need practice and know what they are doing.
I think is will help if we used some of those techniques but not all of them becase some of them are different. I feel if someone has a lot of information and could stop a lot of deaths then we need to get the information out of him. I think they should be allowed for some things but not all crimes.
I feel that our military is smart and will use these techniques only when needed and smartly. I think it is a good idea for our military to do so.
I agree, our military is very smart and would more than likely not abuse this power, these techniques would keep the people safe.
I think If the millatary does it correctly it can be safe. I dont think these techniques should be used lightly though, they should only be used when the person has valuble information that we really need. I think the techniques are okay as long as they do it safely and not kill someone.
I agree with you completely, these things should not be used consistently or used at all really unless valuable information is involved.
I think that when used safely, enhanced interogation techniques are a great way to get information out of people that pose a threat to the country. I do think that these types of interogation methods should only be used by the government for very serious threats though.
I personally do believe that the majority of the time these techniques are safe when used correctly. I feel that in certain circumstances it may be necessary to use these more extreme techniques in order to gain valuable information from a criminal. For this reason, I do think that the government should be allowed to use them.
I agree, these techniques do get valuable information out of people, and someday could potentially save a life. I just don't think it should be taken lightly, and ignored like it's nothing.