Militaries have increasingly opened combat roles to women, but there have been some critics warning this will lower standards and effectiveness. There has been historical evidence suggesting integrating women into combat roles would not impact effectiveness, and perhaps even increase it under certain circumstances. There has been study done that Women are more effective in some circumstances than men. Allowing women to serve in combat roles doubles the talent pool for delicate and sensitive jobs that require interpersonal skills not every soldier has. Women should be able to serve in combat roles if they can pass phsyical test like mens can. There is also talk that women are not as physical as most women are.
There are many different pros and cons. That all women are not physically capable like men are. There has been a study that women suffer higher injury rates. Also another con is that getting pregnant can affect the deployability. Another con is that women say they are capable of all of physically, mentally, morally capable of leading combat operations when they're not. Pro is that it gives women leadership and team building skills.
Do you think women should be allowed to serve in combat roles?
Do you think women are capable to handle all the requirement?
i think that women should be able to serve in combat roles. Obviously they shouldn't be able to if they are pregnant and that is easy to find out. I think that women can hadle the requirements. You don't know anyone better than yourself and if you don't think you can do it then don't.
I agree with you that women should be able to serve in combat roles. I also agree that they shouldn't be able to if they are pregnant and that is easy to find out. I also agree with you that women can handle the requirement.
I think that women should be allowed to serve in combat roles because every human being should be allowed to do anything inoving the millitary. Women should be also be abe to handle all the requirements.
I belive that women have a part in combat roles and they may not be as strong or as physically able as men but they do have purpose and have a positive affect. I'm is certain that over time there is a much more positive effect women have had over the years since they have been allowed to be in combat roles.
I think that women should be in combat roles because some women deserve to be in combat roles they worked their butts off just to earn what they need to get and are physically cable of doing it. They have the cable of being in combat roles but sometimes it'll be the men that will do it but I think that they should get a chance.
I agree with you that women should be in combat roles because some women deserve to be in combat roles. Like you said they work their butts off to earn what they need to get and are physically cable of doing it.
I think that women, if they are physically capable of doing so, should be allowed in combat roles. However, if they are not capable of doing the physical requirements for that role they should not be allowed to participate in combat roles as that could potentially just be a hinderance to a lot of people. Biologically males are stronger than females, so if there's a situation where a man is fighting a woman and it comes down to physical strength, 99/100 times the man will win.
I think they should be allowed. I think that if a women want to go to serve in the military they should. There is nothing bad if a woman joins. Plus the more people we have the better our military is.
I don't understand why women wouldn't be able to serve in combat roles. If a woman wants to serve she should be allowed to and there shouldn't be a rule about it just because she's a woman. I think allowing them to serve would be a good help and they could get more people too.
I agree with you I think women should be able to serve in combat roles. I also agree with you if they want to serve then they should be allowed to and there shouldn't be any rules.