Do you think women should be allowed in the military. The military is a wide group of different branches. Theres the army, marines, navy, coast guard, and air force. Most of these branches are occupied by men, and some women. Militaries have been allowing women to join combat rolls, but people say this will lower standards and effectiveness.
There are alot of people who say women should join the military. There are 85% of votes saying women should be able to join the military as long as they pass the same physical tests as men, which is difficult cause almost all men outperform women. Others say yes cause preventing women to join is discriminatory and women will be offended. Test show they can be better at thoroughness and thoughtful thinking and empathy. Which isnt that usfull. Since women are more empothetic theyll have more trouble doing there job killing in war.
There are some people who say they shoudn't be allowed to join. There are 15% of votes saying women should not be able to join the military. People say women are not as physically capable as men for combat, generally men are better at critical thinking and reasoning. Combat roles place women in a high risk situation for sexual assault, and they are placed in a high stress situation and might not be able to handle it as well as men. Women aren't as analytical or logical, women are still outperformed by men physically. Men are more likely to risk their lives and the mission to protect a someone from danger
Do you think women should be allowed in the military
Would you want to join the military
What branch would you want to join if you joined the military
Good topic choice Abe! I would like you to discuss the history of women in combnat roles. You aldo didn't reply to the student comments whihc is worth 30 points.
I personally think that women should be allowed into the military, and do not understand why they would not be allowed to. If they can pass the same tests as men, they should have the option to. I do not know if I want to join the military at some point in my life, but if I did I would join the army.
I think that women should be allowed to join the military. As long as they can serve then they should be able to join. Though for tests for them maybe make it more oriantated to average women abilities since men a generally stronger.