President Biden wants to mke community college tution free for all Americans. Many people are in favor and many are not. There are serveral states that will pay for community college tuition for all students and there are some states that will pay but only for those students who qualify. However, a four-year college education is different.
The current average college debt for a graduating student is about $37,000. Not having debt after graduation creates less stress for students. They don't have to work as many hours at a job and can concentrate on studying, which results in better grades and higher graduation rates. Students who could not afford to attend a college or university now can and there would be less drop-out rates. Not having debt after graduation allows students to have more spendimg money when they start working. This helps the economy grow.
On the other hand, nothing is free. The money has to come from somewhere. Having the government pay for tuition means higher taxes. Some students will not take a higher education seriously if they don''t have to pay for it themselves. It will also create problems at many colleges and universities because they don't have room for all the students. In addition it will create waitlists for classes. If there are too many people in the work force with college degrees, it will be harder for them to find jobs and most likely salaries will decrease.
I do not think the government should pay for everyone's four year college education. It will create more debt in the government. There are government programs and private scholarships that can help with tuition if you need help. Also, I think it is good for people to work for things they want.
Do you think the government should pay for everyone's college educations?
Would you take free tuition if it were available?
I don't think the government should pay for everyone's college tuition. Like everything, college comes with a cost. I don't think anyone would turn down a free tuition, especially these days where tuition is crazy high. I do think it should cost less for a college education.
Our goverment does not need to pay for school and is already in way to much dept to do so. our taxes would be raised up and people would be paying way more.
I do not think the government should pay for college if the government paid for your college you wouldn't take it as seriously. Think about public school, many people who go to public school don't take their education seriously and they are okay with that because they don't really have any consequences.
I agree that if the government paid for college, people wouldn't take it seriously.
I'm split on the subject just because if the government pays for your education you can save more money but also if the government payed for college some people wouldn't utalize it like they should. I think if someone is serious about college and shows it then it would be alright for the government to help.
I personally think that the government shouldnt pay for stduents college educations unless the student is having trouble paying it,If free tuition were aviable i would take advantage of it so i wouldnt have to spend my money or my parents money.
I see your point that the government could pay for people who are struggling to pay for college.
I think the government should pay tuition for people that actually do all their work. If I was offered free tuition then I would definetly take it.
I don't think it would be a good idea. The government is already in a bunch of debt that we need to focus on paying off and paying for students' college wouldn't help that.
I don't think the government should pay for school because our government is already in debt. Also if the government starts paying for tution then taxes will get raised up and people won't be happy.