Should Tests be Open Book?
Ever Feel stressed out because you have a really big exam and you've completely forgotten half of it? Many teachers are starting to allow their students to take notes during class and allow them to use them for the test under the teachers' approval of the notes taken.
There are a lot of pros to this topic such as, lowering test stress rates, helping students engage more in class, and changes in class habits. Most students have a hard time remembering the class materials.
With pros also comes many cons, starting with many teachers being afraid that students may use the notes to cheat, students might switch out the notes with a sheet that could have the answers on it.
I think students should be able to have open note tests and have teachers look carefully over there and if teachers have the fear that students may cheat then they can maybe have the students put their bags away from their desks so that the bag isn't accessible. But then again i understand that teachers may not like these because of how sneaky students can get.
Do you think open Note tests are smart?
If you were a teacher would you allow your students to have open note tests?
I think that test should be open book because it can help kids with what they are stuck on and they should be able to use it as long they have really good notes and it will make students less stressful. If I would be a teacher then I would allow the tests to be open book because the kids won't be so stressful.
I agree, Open note tests can take a lot of stress off students and just make that certain class 10x more enjoyable.
I think that tests should be open book. It makes testing less stressful for students, and might make them pay more attention in class so that they can write the correct information down. If I were a teacher, I would let my students use their notes because then they would pay attention during class.
I agree, it can really help the student enjoy and engage more into the class
I think that test should be open book. I think that if test are open book they will get a better score since it open book. And if it's open book they will remember how to do that specific thing they learning. It better than trying to remember everthing before the day of the test.
I agree, its nice to have a little "key" to help out during the test and knowing you have a somewhat idea whats going on is really calming
Yes texts should be open book. Kids have enough on their plate with homework and jobs. Us as teanagers have alot of stuff on a daily basis. Some teens have sports and clubs on some days then you have to go home get ready for work go to work go home again do chores and eat thats about your day. Yes teachers say oh just study on the weeked but that doesn't always work eaither.
I agree, students have so much more going on other than tests and studying all night is crazy, the notes would allow the students to have a little down time to themselves.
I think that some tests should be open book, there should be test that are not open book so that teachers can see where the students are at whith what they are teaching. Open book test should only be aloud a certen amount of time to take. When you take a test in math then you can finish the rest of the test in the next class. If you take an open book test then you should only be aloud that class period to take and fish that test.
I agree, lots of students would benefit from open note tests and will make students more engaged into the class