Should Tests be Open Book?
Ever Feel stressed out because you have a really big exam and you've completely forgotten half of it? Many teachers are starting to allow their students to take notes during class and allow them to use them for the test under the teachers' approval of the notes taken.
There are a lot of pros to this topic such as, lowering test stress rates, helping students engage more in class, and changes in class habits. Most students have a hard time remembering the class materials.
With pros also comes many cons, starting with many teachers being afraid that students may use the notes to cheat, students might switch out the notes with a sheet that could have the answers on it.
I think students should be able to have open note tests and have teachers look carefully over there and if teachers have the fear that students may cheat then they can maybe have the students put their bags away from their desks so that the bag isn't accessible. But then again i understand that teachers may not like these because of how sneaky students can get.
Do you think open Note tests are smart?
If you were a teacher would you allow your students to have open note tests?
Great topic choice and super job replying to students! I do wish you would have added any studies/research out there on open note tests as your summary could be a tad longer.
Open note test would have to be more difficult as the resources for the student are right infront of them, but yes, I do agree that open book test can be beneficial in certain subjects, especially within history as a lot of that is based around memorizing key events that took place in a certain time period.
I think open note tests are a great idea. I would give my students open note tests because I feel like it would help them out more on the tests and maybe even help them understand and learn better. But this also may not be the best idea because students may take advantage of open notes and use them as a form of cheating.
I don't think that open note tests are a good idea. It will allow students to get good grades without actually knowing the content. I can see why some teachers would allow open note tests. It will improve test scores and make the students happy, but I wouldn't allow it because they won't learn anything.
Yes, I think that is a great idea to have open book test. First of all how are people suppose to remember everything you teach about. The kids are trying to learn differnet stuff in each class they take. Kids should not have to stay up late and study for every class they have a test in. Most teachers assign their test on Friday. Kids brains are starting to lean more to the weekend then school.
I think its a great idea to have open book tests. With students taking notes, they will also be listening and might actually learn it better anyway. Its also a good way to get kids to interact while teaching if everyone is paying attention or has questions so they can get it right on the test. Its also good for procrastinators. If a student has to stay up super late the nigh before just studying, instead they know they have the notes.
I think test should be open books. Teachers may argue that people won't always have a way to look up the information they need to. However, now a lot of people always have soemthing that can get to google at look up the information they need to know. Open book test will also encourage kids to listen better in class. It will also be less stressful on students.
I agree, open note tests are so smart and can help studnest engage into their learning
Yes i think that open notes on test are smart the teachers want us to pass there class so they should let us use our notes on the test but we should be graded for doing our notes and yes if I was a teacher I would let my students use open notes on there tests so they can do better on the test
I agree, Students have so many other things to do and studying can take up most of the time they could be doing other things for other classes