In many states teen are able to get a job and are able to drive, and must pay tax. But why are they not allowed to vote? Teens are very engaged in politics right now becuase it is a time where everyone is involved in everything. Countless people world wide are joining protest, contacting lawmakers, and sharing on social media about what they believe in. Just because teens are able to go to protest, does not mean they are ready to vote." Demostrating is not the same as voting, which requires a high level of civic responsibility and knowledge."
Most teens don't have basic understanding of how the government works, critics say. Less than hald of Amercian eighth-graders are profecient in civics. In addition research has found that young peoples brain fully develop at a later age than scientist had once though.Some states like Califonia are loweing ages to 16 and 17 years old. If they lower it tp 16 they will become the first majot U.S. city to lower its voting age to 16.
I personally think we should be able to vote because we are part of the U.S. and we are citizens and I think if we are able to pay taxes we should be able to vote. Also, I think if your 16 you are resposible enough to vote.
Would you vote in the upcoming election?
Do you think they should change the law?
I think that people 16 or above should be allowed ot vote. By that age most kids are mature enough to vote and have a solid opinion. There might be some kids that are not educated on this and would not choose to vote but I think most kids would. I personally wouldn't because I don't know much but I think that the opportunitie should be given.
If I had the option to vote in the upcoming election, I would. If they were to change the voting age I feel sixteen Is a decent and reasonable age to be allowed to vote. I don't think that it would be a bad idea to lower the age limit a couple of years.
I would if i was old enough however I will still be to young to vote by then. i think that 18 is a good age to vote. we are almost done with school are already are and we are part for the adult population now. we should be contributing to the world around us.
I think the voting age is good where its at right now. I don't think 16 year olds should be allowed too because they are still considered kids until 18.
I will be old enough to vote in the next election, and I most definetly will. It is important to get as many people to vote as possible, so that we can truely see how the people feel, and what they favor. I think that 16 seems like a good age for teens to start voting. if kids are able to make an important enough decision to change their gender at a young age, which I think is wrong, then how is voting any worse.
I think that it isn't a bad idea to consider allowing minors under 18 to vote. You bring up very good points like the fact that some minors are already acting and working as adults. The President governs over everyone including children, so I don't see why older teenagers can't vote.
I will be able to vote in this upcoming election, but I don't think that I am going to. I don't think that either party is just. Also, I don't think that the law should be changed for younger voters. I feel like younger voters would just vote based on what their parents or friends think.
I would vote in the upcoming elecfion if I could. However I dont believe teens should be abel to vote. Many arnt educated enough. I feel people would just be peer pressures and vote like there parents. Good topic!
I think that the voting age is good at 18. Because often times, people under the age of 18, are just influenced by people that they know such as friends and/or family. It is also very important to know what these people running actually stand for and what they believe in. I think that young people more just go off of who is more popular.
I am going to vote in the upcoming president election because I will be 18. I do not think that anyone under the age of 16 should be able to vote because they are voting whatever their friends/family is voting and do not have a lot of information on politics. Even 18-year-olds most likely do not have the best knowledge.