One of the first ever recorded school shootings was near Greencastle, Pennsylvania on July 26, 1764. Four people broke into a schoolhouse and opened fire on the twelve kids and one teacher inside. Only two kids survived that incident. The most recent school shooting was on May 24, 2022, in Uvalde, Texas. Salvador Ramos got into the school and barricaded himself in a classroom and continued to shoot at over twenty-five people. Twenty-one of which died, two teachers and nineteen students. One of the people he shot was his own grandmother who was working as a teacher's aide at the time. She got released from the hospital after a month due to a gunshot to the face. A total of 376 law enforcement officers showed up at the school just to wait for over an hour to enter the school because of no leadership. It costs an average of 200 to 600 for a cheap quality self-defense handgun and it costs an average of 100 dollars for a conceal and carry class. It only costs 900 dollars for a teacher to be certified to carry a gun with them. Yes, 900 dollars might be a lot of money for small schools but in my opinion, a kid's life is worth way more than 900 dollars. If one of those two teachers killed by Salvador would have had a gun they might have been able to stop him from killing more people. Yes the teacher might have not been able to access the gun or get killed before getting a shot out of it. But that would allow the students access to the gun after the shooter goes away so the kids could have a chance to defend themselves. In my opinion, some certified teachers should be allowed to carry weapons on school grounds. I personally would feel safer knowing that there is someone on school property that is equipped with the resources to keep me and other students safe.
Do you believe that teachers should be allowed to carry weapons?
Would you trust a teacher to carry a weapon around you and your peers?
they should definitely be able to prove throughout the year that they are still capable of using the weapon correctly
I beleive for our saftey Teachers should not have weapons. Its just not safe for teachers to have weapens in a school. Yes it could be benifishal in some instances but I just dont want to risk it. I know that I dont have all the patents in the world. what if some teachers are like that and they use the weapon in the wrong way.
If they decide to use the weapon against a student then there would be someone else in the building that is equipped and able to stop them
I believe that teachers should have some sort of weapon. However, it is very important that the teacher makes sure that they are the only one that can access this weapon. Maybe put a lock on it, or some other way. Also, it is very important that the teacher goes through some sort of training with this weapon.
no teachers should not have weapons, if a teacher had a weapon I would not be comfortable in that classroom.
I do not think teachers should be able to carry a gun on them in school even if they have a conceled carry permit. Reasoning is, schools are a no drug/gun/weapon ares. Not only is it unsafe if a teacher has a gun in the classroom, one wrong move and a kid can grab that gun.
I think that teachers should be allowed to carry some form of weapon for self-defense. They should have to take multiple tests and go through classes and have other qualifications so that just not any teacher can carry a weapon. I also think that they should not be able to tell anyone that they do have a weapon, if you tell the wrong person they in could become dangerous and do more harm than good.
i believe that teachers should be able to carry some type of weapon to protect them and their students. As long as the gun is put in safe place and only used in certain cases it would be very helpful. As long as everyone agreed on it and it would be for a better use for teachers and kids.
I believe teachers should be allowed to have guns for keeping them and the students safe, as long as the students don't get access to them and they have passed some small test to prove they are able to have them. I agree with you that a kid's life worth more than 900 dollars so if carrying guns involves beign safer, it would be a good idea for teachers to carry them.
I belive that teachers should be able to have some sort of way to protect them. They should be out of reach and hid very well for others safey. Due to all the gun and wepon laws nowadays, that might now be allowed anymore.