One of the first ever recorded school shootings was near Greencastle, Pennsylvania on July 26, 1764. Four people broke into a schoolhouse and opened fire on the twelve kids and one teacher inside. Only two kids survived that incident. The most recent school shooting was on May 24, 2022, in Uvalde, Texas. Salvador Ramos got into the school and barricaded himself in a classroom and continued to shoot at over twenty-five people. Twenty-one of which died, two teachers and nineteen students. One of the people he shot was his own grandmother who was working as a teacher's aide at the time. She got released from the hospital after a month due to a gunshot to the face. A total of 376 law enforcement officers showed up at the school just to wait for over an hour to enter the school because of no leadership. It costs an average of 200 to 600 for a cheap quality self-defense handgun and it costs an average of 100 dollars for a conceal and carry class. It only costs 900 dollars for a teacher to be certified to carry a gun with them. Yes, 900 dollars might be a lot of money for small schools but in my opinion, a kid's life is worth way more than 900 dollars. If one of those two teachers killed by Salvador would have had a gun they might have been able to stop him from killing more people. Yes the teacher might have not been able to access the gun or get killed before getting a shot out of it. But that would allow the students access to the gun after the shooter goes away so the kids could have a chance to defend themselves. In my opinion, some certified teachers should be allowed to carry weapons on school grounds. I personally would feel safer knowing that there is someone on school property that is equipped with the resources to keep me and other students safe.
Do you believe that teachers should be allowed to carry weapons?
Would you trust a teacher to carry a weapon around you and your peers?
Great topic choice! Be sure to use paragraphs for better effect to help organize your summary better. Be sure to check for spelling errors as aloud in your title should be spelled allowed. Also be sure to comment more frequently. Also one day late.
I think that in the current state of the world with all of the mass shootings, teachers should be allowed to carry weapons for the safety of themselves and the students they teach. I believe that I would trust teachers to carry around weapons if the school board allowed that certain teacher to bring a weapon to school.
I think that teachers should not bring weapons to school. I think that if schools had better security measures then there would not be a need for teachers to potenionaly bring weapons to school. If the weapon where to get into the wrong hands that would be a problem itself
Yes, I do think that teachers should be able to carry concealed firearms with proper training and a background check. I believe this because most teachers would want the best for their students and to make sure that they are safe. I would feel safe with teachers having firearms because all of the teachers I have had want a safe learning environment and it could save lives in school shootings. Also, most people wouldn't have to fear the teachers abusing their power. Although teachers should be able to have guns, it should be kept in a safe place so kids do not get to it.
I know a lot of teachers that would put themselves in front of an active shooter to save a student's life. but they wouldn't have to if they were able to shoot back at the intruder
I don't think that teachers should be able to have weapons, I feel like a lot could go wrong with that in place. What schools need is more security, which is sad that we have to have that at all. I get what you mean when you talk about the teacher could have saved the kids, but they also could have just caused more chaos.
I don't think teachers should be allowed to carry weapons of any kind with them. I feel like there could be so many things that could go wrong and put the kids in even more danger, I also feel like there are easier solutions to this problem, for example, there could be a couple of people patrolling around the school or a single police officer who could carry around a gun rather than every teacher having one. Also, they could set a panic button that could quietly signal the cops and the people surveilling so they can quickly and safely attend the situation; I feel like this would be an easier and safer solution.
I think that some teachers should be able to have weapons to keep students safe in certain situations. I would trust certain teachers with a weapon on hand but not all. I don't know if we can trust all teachers because anyone can be bad. I do think that most teachers should have a weapon on hand though.
I think teachers should have some kind of weapon just in case someone trys to harm the students. I think it would prevent school shootings and anyother threat that might happen at a school
I do not think that teachers should be allowed to carry guns around because it could end bad. A teacher might want to use the restroom and they could put the gun on a surface and forget it. A student might find that gun and steal it. There are many bad possibilities of that situation.