Should students be able to leave for lunch

A lot of people think that they should be able to leave school during lunch. If students are able to leave school during school it will help them handle responsibility better. It could also help students with their time management skills because they would have to plan how much time it would take to eat.


If students have a D or F in a class then they should not be able to leave during lunch. They also should not be able to leave if they have a detention or ISS. Another way students could leave is if they have a car to drive them to the place. Some students have a lot of stress so if students leave it will give them the energy for the rest of the day.



Do you think students should be able to?

What grade should you be in to leave for lunch?




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  • Your topic is fine but has been done before. Be sure to expand more on your summary. You also didn't reply back to any strudents comments which is worth 30 points.

  • Yes I believe that they can Sophmore year because you're basically 16. Leaving school can make you feel not as stressed and keep you relaxed before coming back. Having the ability to leave school would be great.

  • I think that if the student has a valid driver license and isn't failing any of their current classes then I think they should be able to leave for lunch. But, they definetely need to be back before their next class or they should be tardy.

  • I think that 10th grade and up should be able to leave for lunch, if everyone got to leave then it would be chaos in the parking lot and people would end up coming back late because they sat waiting for the parking lot to clear for 15 minutes. If we didn't get to leave I wouldn't be upset either though.

  • In my personal opinion, I do think that upperclassemen should be able to leave the school campus for lunch if they so choose. I think that by students' senior year they are more than responsible enough to go to lunch for roughly an hour and not cause too much trouble.

  •  I think that juniors and seniors should be allowed to leave for lunch. They are old and responsible enough too handle their time and money wisely. If there are any troubles with students coming back late after lunch, I think that they shouldn't be allowed to leave for lunch anymore. 

  • I think students should get to decide if they want to leave for lunch or not. Students should only be given the choice if they have all passing grades.The freedom of deciding where to eat can serve as a good motivator for students to keep their grades up. If a student did choose to leave for lunch then it would be their own responsibility to make sure they get back on time. 

  • I think that once you are a junior first semester you should be able to leave for lunch.  At this point students will be smarter with their driving, and can drive where ever they want. This way if they can't drive home in the time that is given for lunch they can go out to eat and have more options.

  • I think students should be able to leave for lunch. It can help teach them time managment skills. This would also help motivate students to keep their grades up. Juniors and seniors especially should be able to leave for lunch because most people their age can drive. 

  • I think students should be able to leave for lunch because it WILL improve their time and money management skills. As long as you make it back to school on time, you should be just fine. You should be able to leave for lunch as early as a freshman. You can ride with older kids so you can drive legally.

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