Should Steroids' be allowed in sports?

     To start, there are many arguments againts the use of steriods in sports. One of the biggest concerns is potential health risk associated  with the steriods used.  These risk consist of liver damage, cardiocascualr issues, and hormonal imbalances. All these health concerns could lead to major issues down the road.

    Secondly, if athletes use steriods. Then their would be an unfair advantage compared to those who choose not to use steriods. Also, not all athletes have accsess to the same doctors/resources which have the knowledge needed when taking steriods. This could lead to an uneven playing field between athletes where those using steriods have a big advantage. The overall point of sports is for them to be fair and have equal oppurntunity, allowing steriods would take that away.

    Lastly, you have to think about what message the use of steriods sends to younger athletes. Allowing steriods could become dangerous, this could make young athletes think the use of steriods are acceptable while chasing succsess. Overall, that would have a negative impacts on all sports and even more importantly, a negative impact on future geneartions of athletes.


Do you think steriods should be allowed?

Do you think steriods are to much of a health concern to take?

Do you think steriods will hurt the overall integrity of sports?





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  • I don't think they should be allowed. It wouldn't be fair to those kids who don't want to take them and ruin their lives in the future. It would also take away from the natural talent of sports it would make everyone almost equal in strength. 

  • I don't think steroids should be used because that just enhances their performance compared to others, like many baseball players in the 80s-2000s. Steroids are a health concern because of how it can kill you. Steroids will come back to kill you if you keep taking them.

  • I don't think that steriods should be allowed in sports because the risk you take when exchanging health for advantage is too high. I think that steriods do hurt the integrity of sports because one person could dominate the entirety of their competition.

    • I totally agree, exchanging health for advantage is crazy to do. Also, sports may not be as fun to watch in a way if just people who do steriods dominate all the time.

  • I don't think sterioids should be allowed in sports at any level. Steroids create an unfair advantage between atheltes and serious health risks that are not worth a victory in a game. Sports are meant to be fun to play, watch, and support. Steroids take away the will to work hard to achieve what you want rather than working hard for it.

    • I agree, steriods take away from what other people have worked for because you are taking a shortcut compared to them.  I think health risk will be a major concern for those who take steriods in the future.

  • Steroids should not be allowed in sports. In sports, you are supposed to show your athletic ability, but it should only be your athletic ability. No other factors should be added to this like having steriods. I do think that steroids have a health concern, they aren't normal to your body, so your body might not like what it being added to it.

    • I agree, I think steriods take away from how hard some other people work and is just a shortcut for you. There are big health concerns with them also so personally I wouldn't take them.

  • Personally I dont think steriods should be allowed to be used when playing sports because its a huge health concern. I think being able to take steroids would be an unfair playing feild and not to mention just dangerous for athletes overall.

    • I see where your coming from on this comment. Steriods are a huge health concern especially for when you turn older. I think athletes need to work harder and not rely on steriods.

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