Where do I start? There are so many facts and evidence for both sides of steroids being used in sports. Whether they are good or bad. Steroids are drugs that athletes use to boost their strength and their muscle. Using steroids causes many health issues. Steroids are used throughout multiple sports. Anywhere from 20%-90% af the professional athletes use steroids. They come in different ways but they are mostly needles. Steriods are typically used in football at the college level and NFL.
The negative side of using steroids are health problems later on in life. A few examples of health issues using steroids can cause are heart attacks or strokes, liver and kidney failures, and high cholesterol. There are way more health conditions that go with using steroids, but I'm not going to list them all. A lot of football atheltes in the NFL that use steroids take them before heavy weights and practices. It makes each athlete feel a little stronger as if they can do more thsn they really can. These steroids don't actually make you stronger or faster in any way. A lot of athletes take steroids because it helps build muscle tissue and increases body mass. They act as a hormone called testosterone.
I don't think steroids should be used in sports because even though there are health problems caused by them, that isn't my reasoning. My reasons are that steroids only make you look huge in sports. It doesn't change who you are or what you can do in these sports. Only you can get better at each sport by practicing. Using steroids is just gonna end up hurting you when you least expect it. I also think steroids should not be used in sports because of the unfair advantages it could give someone agaist someone else who doesn't use them. I'll give an example. If you follow in the NFL then you should know Ray Lewis. It would be like lining up Ray Lewis against any other highschool football player. That's what steroid users in professional sports looks like against the non-users. Other than my reasons they shouldn't be used, players are still probably going to use them anyway.
I think steroids shouldn't be in sports because it gives the user an unfair advantage. It also gives the person using steroids a chance to get health problems from them. It also doesn't give natural people a chance to show their true abilities because the person with steroids could be outperforming them.
Steroids shouldn't be allowed in sports because it will cause some issues while the players are doing a game. Steroids could have some rules but not doing in an actual game.
I think that they should be allowed but only allowed with some rules . I think if they allowed steroids in sports it would a better chance on advancing in sports.
I think that they should be allowed although they should be allowed with some regulations and rules. I think that they should only be allowed in professional sports not in college or high school. If Professional teams did allow this the players have their own right to make the decision.
No, I dont think steroids should be allowed in sports because it gives an unfair advantage to the athletes that are not on steroids and doing it the right way. On the other hand, I think if sports started allowing steroids it would make more people watch the sport.
No steroid should not be used in athletic sports. Steroids are cheats to make you better and stronger. It would be unfair for people who wouldn't do steroids to go up against steroid users. Steroids are an addictive drug and highschoolers don't need them.
I don't think steroids should be used in sports. In my opinion, the main reason is that they are harmful to your body. Professional sports playing is only a temporary occupation, and most people want healthy lives after retiring. However, someone taking steroids in their younger years could have major health problems as they get older. I don't think steroids are worth the risk.
They definitely are not worth the risk. I mean you are literally talking about a heart attack and so much more. These health problems could end your life way sooner than you would probably ever want it to. It just hurts me to think about steroid users after they retire.
i dont think they should be allowed. sports depened on what you play is alomst equal to everything. it all just depened on how hard you rain and improve apone your skills.n steroids boost your body and give people unfair advantages in sports like football if someone is taking steriodes befor a game they could be running faster than someone of the other team where if they wernt taking them they could be running at the same pass.
I think steroids should not be used in sports in any way. They do not give a fair advantage to anyone and can also hurt other people in the sport who may not be as strong or smaller than others. The steroids can also lead to many health issues and other problems with your body.