Should school have metal detectors?
Schools have started putting in physical security measures such as metal detectors to make sure that students are not bringing in weapons or other metallic objects that could be used to hurt somebody in the school. This is done to help with decreasing school violence like stabbing or shootings.
There are many different cons on why there shouldn’t be metal detectors in school. Metal Detectors can be very costly by purchasing and installing it in the school. These metal detectors can run all the way up to 10 - 20 grand. Also if there are metal detectors in the school then that means they will have to hire an officer that stands next to it if the alarm/ beeping sound goes off. There is not evidence that metal detectors are helpful in the school.
There are many different pros on why there should be metal detectors in the school. By having metal detectors it can help reduce the risk of dangerous items entering the school district. Also by installing a metal detector it would help the school's confidence.
Do you think schools should have metal detectors?
Do you think metal detectors would help catch items?
Do you think metal detector is worth it in schools?
Good topic choice Cheyenne! I do think your summary could be longer and you should have replied more frequently as well.
I think metal detectors take more time out of the day to get to school. It does help lower the risk of fights or threats in the school, but they are very expensive and would take forever to get students to go through them.
I feel that schools shouldn't have any thing like that unless its a big school then it should be allowed but for a little place like harlan or avoca it should not be allowed because were not that big of a school and word gets around quickly in a small school besides a big school where it will take more time to get around.
I personally do not think that schools should have metal detectors. This is mainly because many of the items students carry into school, whether they are materials needed for class or not, are made out of metal. This would just add an unneeded step to enter the building that would take up an unnecessary amount of time.
I do not think that schools should be aloud to have metal detactors when you walk into the buildidng, with of how long without issues the metal detactor would take every student would have to come sooner so they can get inline incase of problem.
No, I do not think that the school should get metal detectors. It would make it way more difficult in the morning if they had them. I think it would help catch some items, but it would also detect many things that aren't dangerous. I do not think that it is worth it for schools.
I personally believe that schools should have metal detectors, it is a very good way to limit the number of school shootings and fights in schools. I think it could as help with the amount of vaping in bathrooms, It could make the bathrooms feel safer and wont make people uncoverable using the restrooms.
no, it would make things 100x more difficult and rushed in the moring. Like what if a women has alot of jewlery on? Or a belt? Or any type of metal that you wear? They would have to takr it all off and put it back on just to go into school. It would help catch dangerous threats, but its very unlikely that someone would bring something like that to this school. I think in some states it would be benefical. But here in iowa it wouldn't do much.
I think that schools should not have metal detectors. If the school is that worried that someone will have something on them that can hurt/kill others they should detain that person until deamed safe. Metal detectors aren't perfect but they would help cut down on things students shouldn't have. I think that metal detectors aren't worth it because schools would need to hire people to tend the detectors and it would cost a lot.
I dont think schools should have metal detecters because they would go off for so many things they could go off on scissors and other things like that. i also think that it would be an invasion in privacy because if it goes off on a scissors they would probably check you bag and that would be the invasion of privacy part.