Why schools should do a four-day week instead of a five-day week?
My first reason is that it would give people more time to sleep and do homework. If people don’t come to school on whatever day, then the schools don’t have to heat or cool the school on that day. It can give teachers extra time to figure out what they are doing for the week and come more prepared, also having all their students' grades in. It can give students more time to hang out with friends and family. Students can then work more at a job and make money so they can afford more school events and other things.
I think that a four day school week would be nice but I don't think most schools would change and do it. I would be diffcult with the parents who have little kids to try and find daycare on the days we have off. I think a five day school week is easier and makes more sense.
A four day school week does sound nice, but I doubt it would ever happen. It would be annoying for the parents with little kids who go to work and would need someone to watch their kids. It would be nice to have an extra day without school to work at jobs or even at home.
I don't think that our school should change to a four-day week instead of a five-day week. I think that if we would change to a four-day week that would mean we would possibly go into the beginning of June. Going into jun would mean a shorter summer break and more school. I like the five-day weeks and I think that they are not harming us.
I think that there are some pros and cons to having four days of school instead of five such as like you said, it gives students more time to work on homework and teachers to plan things but a con would be that we would have less time for breaks.
I think that it depends what you like because I would rather have 5 days so that school can end sooner but I would also like 4 days because then its less school. But then we would have to be in school longer. But at the end it just depends if you want to be in school longer or have more days a week.
I think 4 day week could be beneficial, but I doubt it would ever get passed. Too many parents are consider about childrens learning and how much time they spend in the classroom. I think it could benefit some students, but not all.
I think a 4 day week would be way better because people could have job oppertunity and make more money. We may lose some education but we'd replace it with working and making actual money. However, it's a different story for people who don't work.
I think school should do a 4-day week instead of 5 because I think that is what it will turn into in the future. I also think if we turn into a 4-day week more kids would get jobs and learn how to work. I don't think we should have a 4 day week because all the a kids would get lazy.
I don't think there is really a reason to change the five day week to four days. I think the system works well and having a three day weekend every week wouldn't be very beneficial. If we took off a day that would add a whole month or more to our school year and I don't think it's worth it.
I kind of agree with having more time to prepare for school and getting work done. Everyone eventually needs that break from school and a lot of people deserve it. Giving the teachers more time to prepare the lessons for the students could end up helping the students learn more. The only thing that's wrong is then there would be more school days and shorter breaks.