Our school has a rule that you can't be on your phone in class. Some classes you have to put your phone in a phone pocket on the wall, and some you can just keep it in your bag, it just depends on the teacher you have. But should schools ban them entirely to the point you can't bring them in the school at all? Or should schools make it so you can have them on you all of the time, and can be on them whenever you want?
Many websites have different answers on whether or not cell phones are good or bad for you, and whether or not they negatively affect your learning. Being on your phone or any electric device for long periods of time can physicaly hurt you in many ways and mentaly hurt you. It can strain your eyes, make it harder for you to socialize normally, make it difficult to sleep, and can make you lazier. Also If you have it in your pocket or on your desk it can be distracting. For example, if you feel your phone buz it immediatley distracts you. Feeling it buz will make you want to check it, and if you don't you'll start thinking about who it is or if it's important or not, which can be very distracting. Having it on you could also lead to the temptation of cheating. It's right there and you could easily use it for the answers.
Although there are a lot of negatives there can also be a lot of positives. They make it easier to quickly communicate. An example of that would be if you need something from home or you need to talk to a parent you could just pull out your phone and text them. Having a phone with you to communicate could also help with privacy, if you do need something from home or you need to tell a parent something but you couldn't have your phone you'd have to go to the office and call and it'd be infront of everyone in the office and it is less privacy. Having your phone with you can also help you to work together on prodjectds with others easier, give more safety, and help you prepare for the future.
I think we should just keep the phone rule how it is at our school. I think it's nice that we can have them during passing periods and study halls, but not everyone"s on them during classes.
Should we be allowed to be on our phones whenever we want at school?
Do you think phones are good or bad for us? Why?
Does having a phone in your pocket distract you at school?
I agree that we should be able to be on our phones with teachers permission. I agree that it would be rude if students were on their phones when teachers were teaching.
I personally think that we should not be able to be on our phones whenever we decide but that it should be up to the teacher and their opinion on phone usage in their classroom, also i belive that phones are bad for us because we are addicted to being on them.
I think that we should be allowed on our phones at some point in times not always though because it can be distracting you and you won't be learning. I think phones have pros and cons because they can help if you use them properly but if you don't then it can be bad because you won't be learning anything you would just be wasting your time on your phone. It doesn't distract me when I have my phone in my pocket.
I agree that we should be allowed to have our phones but not all of the time because they can be distracting. I also agree that having them in class could distract you and others from learning.
I do not think that schools should ban phones. Phones can be important for a student to have and can be resourceful. Students shouldn't be on them whenver they want to, but they should be able to have them on their person, incase of emergency. Parents would feel much better if they're kids were able to contact them when they need to.
I agree that having your phone makes e-hall pass and signing up for win easier. I aslo agree that they are good to have for personal reasons like family emergencies.
I do not believe that students should be able to be on their phones whenever they want because you are here to learn in school, not be entertained. If they allowed this, then nobody would learn because they don't need to. I feel that phones are fine for you depending on how long you use them. If you are constantly on your phone and are addicted then they are bad, but phones allow you to contact people you need to at any time, so they are usually good for you.
I agree that students shouldn't be allowed to be on their phones whenever they want because you're here to learn. I also agree that if they allowed students to be on their phones whenever they wanted that no one would learn.
Having a phone in my poket is not distracting for me for many reasons. Having a phone in my poket is not distracting for me because, I am not on it, I am not looking at it, I am not on it, it is on silent or turend off, and it is not a distractuion unless I make it one.
I think phones should not be banned in school. In highschool we should know when to be on our phones and when not to. I don't think phones are bad for us majority of the time. I think we should also be putting our phones away during class.