Should school start later?
There are only 17% of U.S high schools that start at 8:30 am or later. There have been many studies why schools should start later. If schools start later than studies show that graduation rates go up. There was a study done by University of Minnesota in 2016 that showed they looked at 8 different high schools across the U.S that picked out later start times, from 8 am to 8:55 am. Study found big decreases in absences and tardiness, also greater academic benefits with later start times. According to the CDC school starts too early causing students not getting enough sleep which is associated with several health risks including being overweight, drinking alcohol, using drugs, and poor academic performance. Starting school later would also help students with getting the amount of sleep they need. There were studies done by University of Washington that showed if teens get more sleep, show improved grades and attendance with later school time, researchers found.
Pros: Starting school later could help reduce the amount of time kids or teens are left alone due to their parents working schedule. It will also help reduce caffeine dependence. There are students out there that will drink a lot of coffee and energy drinks that can cause long term side effects like severe dehydration, chronic pain attack, and high levels of adrenaline and cortisol. Another pro would be that it would give students a chance to eat breakfast and not be in a hurry. The last pro for school starting later would be it reduces the amount of car accidents for teens. According to AAA teen driver drowsiness is responsible for 100,000 car accidents every year.
Cons: Starting school later could cause some issues with the student schedule. It will cause some transportation problems for the school districts. Another con would be cause some issue with teens that have after school jobs that require them to be there at certain times. Starting school later could cause students to not get their homework done or stress them out to do it the next morning. Another reason is it could cause teens to stay up later at night. Lastly it would alter the teacher schedule especially if they have doctors appointments or family time.
Do you think starting school later is good idea?
What time would you want school to start?
Do you think it would change the students absences and tardness?
Great topic choice and super job Cheyenne! You were #1 this week!
School starting later would be beneficial as it would decrease tardiness from people oversleeping and would help decrease the amount of car crashes due to students falling asleep on the road. I would personally like school to start at 9 AM as that would give people an extra hour of sleep which is huge when you're a teenager.
I think school should start later. It would give students extra time to get ready in mornings leading to less tardies and absences. I think it should start at 8:30 or 9. This would lead to school ending later and being closer to sporting event. This could benefit kids that live outside of town and have to drive home then drive back to school when it gets closer to their event
I personally do not believe that school should start later than it already does. Even though many students may not be "morning people", waking up early in the morning is a good habit to develop early in one's life. In society and the business world you will most likely not have the luxury of waking up in the late morning.
I think starting school later would be good if you aren't a morning person. I am not a morning person, but I also don't want to get out of school at 4. I think that it should stay the same. I don't think it would affect absences and tardiness.
I think that school should stay the same 8:00 isn't to early and it is not to late. If you end up moving school back to around 8:30 that means that you have to stay longer in the after noon. That means when you get home at night their isn't much time do homework and hang out with your family.
I think that the time school starts really depends on if you are a morning person or not. I am not a morning person, but i like that we get out early in teh day and not 3:30 or even 4 pm. I woild like to start later so I can sleep in, but then you would have to stay longer. All in all, I think that the current school starting is a good time should stay the same.
I think that the time for school starting when it does is the perfect because it allows time in the afternoon for after school activities like football and vollyball. When you change the time of school starting your also changing the time when people get home at night.
Speaking from experience, it would be amazing if school could start later. I would love it if we could start school later it wouldn't just give me more time to sleep but get ready and eat a nice breakfast which I feel would make me have a better academic performance. But I also have some concerns about this, wouldn't people's work schedules be affected by this change? I don't really know much about this since I personally don't have a job but I am very curious about this. Lastly, I think this could help a lot with unnecessary absences, since personally most times I'm absent is because I refused to get out of bed, so I think a good time could probably be around 8:30.
No, I think school should be started early so we don't have to stay late. I think it would make a lot of kids even lazier and stay up later. If anything school should just end earlier so kids have a good part of the day to spend with family, work, do homework, etc.