Should school start at a later time

Studies have shown that it would be more healthy for students mental wellness if schools started at a later time. Some students in the morning can't focus or work as well then later in the day since they're much more tired. Most studies say that school should from times of 8:30am or 9:30am. "These start times are too early, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Middle and high schools should start at 8:30 a.m. or later to give students the opportunity to get the sleep they need." Most students who also come to school are too tired for anything and end up falling asleep in class causing them to possibly fall behind in class and are more likely to fail.

Pros: More sleep, more likely to be in a better mood, and more focus and class

Cons: School will end at a later time, troubles with scheduling sports events after school, and could mess with parents schedules. 




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  • I think that school should start a little later. It would help me get more sleep at night. I don't think thatgoing home later would be good because it would be dark outside. Sports would not benefit from it either.

  • I think that school should start at the same time it starts at now. I think it provides enough time for after school activities since it doesn't start as late. For example, if it started at 9, then there would be an hour less of time for other activities after school. 

  • I think that the start time for school is good. If we were to start school at a later time, that would push back the dismissal bell, which would also push back any extracurricular activities that people partake in. There are many students that get home late and still have to do homework, starting at a later time would cause them to get home later than they already do.

  • i belive that we should start later and end the same we do now just be in school more days so it does not mess with sports or parents plans they may would work better for the students and give teahcers mroe time to get ready for the day. - This website is for sale! - e commerce platform Resources and Information.
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  • im a gree with been later to the school because sometimes doesnt sleep very well because they have to saty up so late because of homework,work or personal stuff that we have to take care before going to bed or school like people with pet like taking them out or doing something else but i am agree

  • I don't really have a problem with the time school starts now, but I definitely wouldn't be mad if was puched back. Although pushing it back could interfere with sports and other after school activities students take part in. It would make sports either shorter amounts of time or go into supper time.

  • I dont mind the school starts times at the moment but I would be okay with starting a half hour later that we do now. It would give more sleeping time for students so when they get to school they can learn at their full capacity. 

  • I rather have later school start time becuase I get to enjoy my sleep without having to rush and being on point, but school would have to end later becuase we need to put in the hours or time that we lost 

  • I don't have an issue with the time school starts right now, but I wouldn't mind a later starting time.

  • I would prefer if school started at a later time, however I don't have an issue with the start time now. The start time has been the same for years, it's just something I've gotten used to by now. I think more sleep is important for better brain function and later start times to allow our brains to wake up and focus.

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