Should School days be shorter?

Every week students are going to school almost 40 hours every week. Students also start their day very early in the morning When students are in school for longer they are able to learn more and they would have more time to get their homework done, but then teachers, some days have lessons that can take the whole 40 some minutes to give the lesson and leave no time to get homework done. Some students struggle to balance their life outside of school and schoolwork. Some students tend to put sports first and not have time to do homework.  So shorter days would give them more time to balance school and their life outside of school. 

Also, shortening school days would force schools to extend the days students are in school. In Iowa, a student is required to be in school for at least 1,080 hours every school year. Shortening days will only benefit the students who have sports and jobs after school and not those who have nothing. Shortening days for students affects all students not just high school and middle school students but kids in Primary and Intermediate too. Shortening these days can put many families in financial stress and really be draining for everyone in that family and parents will have a tough time finding someone to transport and care for their young child. 

I get that school takes up a lot of time out of everyone's day but students should be responsible for getting their homework done and balancing their life outside of school. I believe that school should stay the same duration of hours that it is now. As I stated earlier, shortening school affects all students like not having time to work and finish their work.


Should school days be shortened?


What would you think if our school shortened the days?



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  • Glad you go this posted! Your summary is well done. The issues are that is weas posted yesterday and you didn't reply to any student comments which is worth 30 points.

  • I think maybe not the days being shortened but perhaps adjusted. I know that many people don't like getting up early, but also that teens tend to be more awake at night then in the morning. Shortened days could also help and we start school at 10:00 and end at 3:00 or 4:00 then there's enough time to catch up on sleep and do homework.

  • I personally think it would be a lot nicer if shool started later in my opinion. But that would also mean that we would have to add that extra time at the end of the day or end up going for more days in May. So I think that the start and end time of school everyday should remain the same I think.

  • I think it could be possible, but I think the school hours are currently fine. We are still able to get all our homework wone while having some family time. But for people who are in sports currently, it is harder.

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