Going to school has been one of the biggest complaints from teens and children for decades. There have been so many arguments to try and compromise for their wants. Starting school later, having shorter days, and even having a shorter school year. Granted these could be put into action, but would it be easier to just have an online course?
Going chronically online has many pros and cons. Some advantages to this would be, being able to go at your own pace. Many students struggle to keep up with some of the students in class, but if they weren’t to be compared to other students, many would feel more comfortable and open with their own school work. A lot of students can’t keep up with the teacher. Everybody learns differently and at their own pace, so being able to control how much you do could also be good, obviously requirements would still have to be met. A disadvantage would be that, with an online course, there is no emotion put in with the grading. No later deadlines, everything must be done on time, and there would be no partial credit.
I personally wouldn’t want to go online. Many would argue that you get more sleep, and would have better learning opportunities being able to take your time, but I like socializing. I prefer having a connection with my teachers and peers.
Would you want to go to school online?
What would your biggest complaint be?
Do you think it would be worth it?
I agree with you, I feel it is so much easier to do everything in person, and theres no saying whether the students are cheating or not, so we would have people in professions who know nothing about it.
I would not like school to be online, becuase I pay etention more in school and I will actually get the homework done if I am at school. Proably not doing the homework or not being able to do the homework. I think that if we did it there would be benifits and I think it could maybe be better.
I agree with you, I feel like I'm more engaged in the classroom, compared to what I would be online staring at my computer screen.
I would not want to go to online school because I feel that I would become lazy and fat. I also feel that students would not stay on task or just not work on school at all. My biggest complaint would be sitting at home all day. Plus some students don't have the necessities to stay at home everyday for school.
I agree with you, I would lose focus so quick, and I didn't even mentioned the lack of motivation. I wouldn't want to get up and do anything or even get out of bed.
Yes i would love to go to school online and work at your own pace because if you get all your work done right away depending on when you get done you could go work after words .and make some good money while still in highschool. Only complaint would be not being able to see your friends as much.
I agree with you, I didn't even think of the work aspect and how far ahead this could leave the students to give them a big boost into the adult life.
No school should be in person more than it should be online. I would rather learn from a teacher face to face then having to learn it over a computer. If you have a question on something, then you would have to email your teacher and not just raise your hand.
I agree with you, sometimes people aren't good at responding to emails either, so if I have just a simple question, I would have to wait for them to respond instead of just raising my hand and getting an immediate answer.
No I wouldn't want to go to school online because I would miss seeing everyone in person. My biggest complaint with having school online would be it is bad for your brain to constaintly be on the computer for hours at a time. I think some things about being online would be nice but some things wouldn't so I don't know if it would be worth it.