Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG), a pioneer in women's rights, birth control, and many other democrat supported issues died very recently on September 18th, 2020. Many repulblicans are pushing to have her seat filled as soon as possible, which would have long term effects on the outcome of cases and constitutional issues; however, most democrats are determinedd not to allow any nominee through until after election day. According to a few sources, Ruth's dying wish was to not have her seat filled until after election day, and many democrats are saying that filling her seat would be disrespectful of that wish. On the other hand, it is the president's duty to elect supreme court justices, and the seat was never RGB's in the first place, but the American people's, argue many republicans.Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg released from hospital after bile  duct procedure - ABC News

Electing a supreme court judge is one of the presidents most important duties, and if President Trump should not be denied his ability to carry out his duties as president, since, as RBG herself said: " A president doesn't stop being president just because it's  an election year."

What do you think will happen if Donald Trump is allowed to nominate a supreme court justice? How could the nomination of a new justice affect laws on abortion and other planned parenthood agendas? Is it an abuse of power to intentionally stall a decision  until there is a new president?

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  • Good topic choice and well written. Godo job replying as well. The one issue is that you didn't include your opinions within your summary.

  • I think that Donald Trump has every right to elect a new supreme justice since he is the president and it's one of his most important jobs as president. I feel like if Trump does get to elect a new justice the democrats will get upset since it will be a republicin and the justice wouldn't be fare, but they'll just have to deal with it.

  • In my opinion, I think Donald Trump has the right to nominate a supreme court justice. I don't think it would affect any laws right away. However, in the future I think laws on abortion would definitely change having a new supreme court justice.

  • I don't think there will be a problem if the president is allowed to choose a new justice. Think it would be wrong not to let him choose one before the election. But either way they will follow the constitution. it is abusive of power to stall a decision of the president to choose a new justice though my opinion not very educated on the specific subject but they will make a decison. 

  • I think it is an abuse of power to intentionally stall a decision until there is a new president. As much as I feel it would be so cool to honor her wish to wait until a new preident is elected to see her chair be filled, legally  it is his decision. Especially since she said, " A president doesn't stop being president just because it's an election year." It is considered one of the duties of the president to nominate someone to fill her seat. 

  • I see how it can be unfair that Donald Trump fills the open seat because Barack Obama didn't get to. However, I think since President Trump is the president right now he should get to appoint a new justice. As of right now I do not know how it will affect problems like abortion considering we do not know his nomanee.

  • I don't think that much will happen but i may not be as educated but I think they will still follow the rules by the constitution and there won't be a problem.  I think that it is unfair that the president can't choose a justice just because it is getting close to election day.  He is still president and he should be able to fulfill his duties as one until the day another president is elected.  The democrats did the same thing and actually passed a law helping them do it before election day so it would be unfair for Trump not to be able to.

    • I agree, I think that while the nominee's political views may be different than some people would like them to be, what should be considered in a nominee is not thier political views, but their devotion to the country and the constitution. Their decisions should be influenced by whether something is right or not, not by whether their party wants it or not.

  • If Trump nominates a supreme court judge them more than likely that person will be a christian and will use their religous views while voting. That would more than likely affect abortion laws and many other things. I personally think we need to wait until after the election because trump himself said Obama shouldn't choose a supreme court judge and should wait til the 2016 election. 

  • I think Trump will choose a republican to fill the seat because any president choosing a person for one of these positions will pick someone that backs their own political beliefs. I think the president that is in power should be the person to pick who fills the position.

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