Police started to wear body cameras in the year they have greatly affected the police camera. Most states have started to mandate cameras. The footage from the cameras can be used as evidence in court cases. They can also help police make sure they are always doing what they are supposed to. They can help cath “dirty” cops or cops in the wrong
After the police shooting death of Michael Brown on August 9th, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri, Barack Obama requested 263 million dollars to get and fund body cameras. Body cameras have helped with so much evidence. They can prove cops are not lying and see everything without having to second guess everything.
Body cameras put extra protection for the officers and for the suspect. If they suspect sees the body camera then they might second guess themselves and realize they shouldn't be doing what they are doing.
I think cops should have body cameras because it can helo solve many cases in court and can help protect the officers and the suspects.
Do you think cops should wear body cameras?
Do you think it should be required by every state?
What are the pros and cons of wearing body cameras?
I think they should wear body cameras because it will record all things that had happend that day. And in court they can use the footage as evidence. This will solve lots of problems and and make court trial faster.
I do think police should wear body camreas, however there are many departments that do not have funding to give all their officers one. Also with the defunding of the police movement many departs have to cut many things including body cameras due to the cost
I think cops should wear body cameras because like they said it could help solve alot of unsolved court trials. I think that cops should have to wear cameras at all times recording what they do and what they say. I feel some states it should be required more then others ecspecailly the states that have way more gang violence and problems.
I think that cops should wear body cams. I think this because it allows a cop to show proof that someone and it can help them catch criminals. As well as, catch cops that are not doing the right thing. I don't think it should be required but definetly encouraged to states.
I personally believe that cops should wear bodycameras because like you said it can really help figure out an investigation or solve who did the crime. and I also agree that they put extra protection with the police because then if anyting bad happed to them we would be able to find out.
I think cops should wear body cameras. I think its good to know all the information and have proof of what happens. I think it should be required for every state. It would hep cops fallow the rules better and people. They would be as much he said she said stuff.
I think cops should wear body cameras. I think that they have been proven beneficial in many court cases more so over the past few years. I think that if a state were to require cops to wear body cameras, it wouldn't cause much of an inconvience or cause an outrage especially if the cop is doing their job correctly.
I do think cops should wear body cameras. It's simply more evidence to help victims in court. I think the footage definitely helps solve many court cases. It's also a safety things for both cops and people. I just see cops wearing body cameras as nothing but a positive thing and I don't understand why they wouldn't.
Yes, I think all cops should have to wear body cameras and it should be required by all states. They can help solve cases in court and help protect the cop. I think it would be very beneficial to have all cops wear them and be beneficial to the suspects as well.
I think the whole reason they started putting body cameras on is beacause it makes it a lot easier in court. The jury and judge can see what really happened in a case. So it they where them it help them out a lot. If all states did it, it would help solve many cases.